Will this HPS work? What's an ED-17?


Well-Known Member
I found this bulb (link below) on Lowe's website. It says it's a 70 watt replacememnt for a 300 watt. How true is this? Also, it says it uses an ed-17 socket I guess. Is this the normal size fitting for light bulbs? I'd like to use this to supplement my CFL's thru out my grow.

1 Pack High Pressure Sodium Bulb


Well-Known Member
ok ive gone through enough bulbs and wasted enough money in my time you either buy a ton of cfls or just buy a 400 watt set up from htgsupply.com period this wil solve all your problems. hope that helps


Well-Known Member
That is a mogul base and it will require a seperate ballast. SO you can buy this $20.00 light bulb and then spend another $60.00 on a light fixture that has a ballast and then spend another $30.00 modifying the fixture so it will shine on your plants. Or you could save some time and ours and follow the advice you have seen in countless posts in this forum. Welcome to the forum.


Well-Known Member
Any HID bulb (HPS, MH) needs a special ballast and CAN NOT be plugged into a standard socket.

The HPS bulbs and ballasts have an ignitor switch which the MH ballasts do not and therefore will not work.

This is why I bought a switchable ballast. I literally flip a switch on the ballast to use either MH or HPS. It is a pretty slick system made by Sun Farms.


Active Member
yep....metal haliade is best for vegging while hps is best for flowering. i personally use just hps 1200 watts 2 600 watts but for all around id say hps works wonders u can get lights that are switchable without having to change lights and such jus flick a switch change the bulb and ur off ....tho ive not tried em yet idk but might later on jus once to see how they go