will this work? 400watt HPS and a 55 watt LED


Active Member
hey everyone,
i have a small, 4x4 closet, holding 4 ladies.
overhead i have 1 x 400w hps light,
as well as a 55 watt LED light panel.
one is on the left and the other on the right side,
the key is that while each light is directly over 2 plants, both lights cover all 4 plants. see...?
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regardless of the arguements involving an increase in my electricity bill which isnt a problem for me..., does anyone know if this is any better or worse than just going 400 w hps. right now, they are in the second week of veg. stage. i introduced the LED as soon as veg began, as well as the hps.

any suggestions or feedback would be much appreciated, and i will post pics soon. thanks! and good luck to everyone out there growing!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: