Will this work?

Old Toby

Active Member
Ok heres the idea,

after a recent bout of windy weather my greenhouse is in bits and I was thinking of putting my ladies in the shed at night, Now the sunrises here at 5.17 at the minute and I'm up and awake at 9, so what I was wondering is if I could get a normal uv strip lght on a timer in the shed would that be ok for the plants for a couple of hours till I get up and bring them out of the shed?
I cant remember if its the uva or uvb lights that the indoor growers use but wouldnt a strip light have enough uv to keep things going for 3 hours or so?

Old Toby

Active Member
Why put them in the shed?? VV
Ah heres the thing you see, the weather here in Ireland is terrible, strong winds and rain are making it hard to grow my plants and they have already got torn asunder once already by the severe winds and I'd sleep much better at night if I knew that my ladies were all safe.


Active Member
build a stronger green house? just use 4 pressure treated wood 4x4 posts and some pressure treated 2x4's, take the door from the old green house and slap it on the new house, along with all the pannels, salvage what you can, thats what would do... i'd just rebuild it man, make it stronger, use some nice big washers to secure the pannels on the frame, make sure theres no lip so the wind cant get leverage on the pannels to rip them off. i wish i had enough room to make a green house.