Will this work?

Grass Hopper

Active Member
I had a brainstorm and came up with an idea. What if you took out the drum of a clothes dryer and make a grow chamber out of it. It has a ventalation systme built in, but I don't know if that would help. Does someone want to try it first?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
if it is a gas dryer, better be careful you don't start a fire... or an explosion :)


I have never seen a converted dryer to grow cubby..


Grass Hopper

Active Member
Will it work with the vent coming out of the bottom? Some don't have a bottom so you could possibly raise it by putting it on blocks, it looks good on paper anyway. I have an old gas dryer I want to tinker with.


Well-Known Member
If you want to tinker with it go ahead. Many people use the drums out of dryers and washers to make fire pits for camping ground folks. They last a long time. They are already heat and moisture resistent. Takes a long time for them to rust out, and because of all the 'venting' they will let you make a nice campfire. I have one I have been using for 8 years now. VV


Well-Known Member
this can be done but will take alot of work, you can even probably make one of those barrel grows out of them too but its just way too much work.

Grass Hopper

Active Member
First of all I know it is very easy to pull the drum out of a dryer. Then all you have left is a motor and a burner with ignitor I believe. My father was into appliance repair for over 40 years. I don't dare ask for his help with this though. I thought it could be possible to raise it a foot. Most old dryers I believe don't have a bottom to them. Maybe you can run a hydro with the tub outside of it and drape the bottom. I don't know if hydro uses gravity and the tray needs to be above the tub or if the pump pumps both in and out. Reguardless I can't run an HPS lighting though so why go through all the trouble and expense of hydro. I think I am going to get a simple 3 gallon drip system and cfls, easy enough. I will have top and frontal access. I can still put it on blocks to raise it a foot and have three feet of room for growth. The drip system is only 65 bucks. Has anyone use a drip system and know the advantages and disadvantages in comparison to dirt and hydro. I don't think it will be very difficult but I don't know how well the plants will grow. I was hoping Mikey my try it first. Does anyone have any advice before I begin my adventure. I have some Dutch Passion Blueberry Cavi bird seeds that are supposed to turn red purple then blue. Does anyone know if I will accomplish its potential with cfls.