will this work


Active Member
Could I use pop tart wrapers for reflection and how good would it work is it a fire hazard? ? Please let me know

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
haha h ah ah aha ha h ah aha ohh homey!! you slay me !

fuck yeah it would work, pop tarts are wrapped in Mylar which is the doper's preferred reflective material! I like the way you think, but tacking up all those little bits would suck balls, you would have to use spray mount or something to stick em up, and you'd have areas of poor reflectivity where they join and overlap. plus after harvesting a few hundred pop-tart pelts you would not fit through the door of your growroom! seriusly bro, plain bright white paint would cost you less ($3 a pint, one time) than hundreds of pop-tarts and your gastric lap band surgery!

shit son, pop tarts, thats devious and clever as fuck. if i ever get locked up you're the fucker i want as my cellmate so we can shawshank our way to freedom using 2 paperclips a rubber band and half a toothbrush! on a similar theme you might consider dumpster diving for chips bags, the big ones are often lined with Mylar, and after a quick wash could be used the same way but with fewer gaps, overlaps and ingested calories.

Pop-Tarts. pure genius.

really though, white paint is almost as effective at light reflecting, and is almost free compared to the effort and expense of buying and hanging mylar, or fishing chips bags out of dumpster, or clubbing all those baby pop-tarts for their skins.


Active Member
haha h ah ah aha ha h ah aha ohh homey!! you slay me !

fuck yeah it would work, pop tarts are wrapped in Mylar which is the doper's preferred reflective material! I like the way you think, but tacking up all those little bits would suck balls, you would have to use spray mount or something to stick em up, and you'd have areas of poor reflectivity where they join and overlap. plus after harvesting a few hundred pop-tart pelts you would not fit through the door of your growroom! seriusly bro, plain bright white paint would cost you less ($3 a pint, one time) than hundreds of pop-tarts and your gastric lap band surgery!

shit son, pop tarts, thats devious and clever as fuck. if i ever get locked up you're the fucker i want as my cellmate so we can shawshank our way to freedom using 2 paperclips a rubber band and half a toothbrush! on a similar theme you might consider dumpster diving for chips bags, the big ones are often lined with Mylar, and after a quick wash could be used the same way but with fewer gaps, overlaps and ingested calories.

Pop-Tarts. pure genius.

really though, white paint is almost as effective at light reflecting, and is almost free compared to the effort and expense of buying and hanging mylar, or fishing chips bags out of dumpster, or clubbing all those baby pop-tarts for their skins.
I don't know which was better... the question or the answer! LMFSAO! (laffin my f'n stoned arse off!)


Well-Known Member
wow that's a lot of pop tarts. Might as well buy a couple of them reflective emergency blankets from the camping section at walmart or kmart as you will be spending a lot of money on toilet paper eating all them darn pop tarts.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
wow that's a lot of pop tarts. Might as well buy a couple of them reflective emergency blankets from the camping section at walmart or kmart as you will be spending a lot of money on toilet paper eating all them darn pop tarts.
i disagree. i believe the cracker crust on the pop tart exterior will actually REDUCE his need for toilet paper, but he may find great difficulty in taking a shit for several weeks.


Well-Known Member
Only use the Blueberry Pop tarts. That is how they got the blueberry strain...LOL
Serious...go to Walmart and buy one of those Mylar Emergency Blankets. Like 3 dollars.


Well-Known Member
take a piece each of mylar, those blankets and a flat white painted wall and shine a bright light on them. i found when comparing different things(although i didnt think of poptart wrappers) that flat white paint was much better and more even.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Well I got like 50 wrappers so thought I could prolly use em
Homey, it would work. but when i read that i could only imagine you stuffing yourself to bursting with pop tarts, even eating them raw while shouting through the crumbs "aint no time to waste!" then meticulously tacking them up one by one with a set-square and a bubble level to ensure precise placement. my stoned ass saw the walls of your growroom fluttering with tiny silver feathers like a float in a mardi gras parade from the distant future while you watched from the door still quietly munching the last pop tart with satisfaction in a job well done.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Totally dude. You can also use old used condoms to wrap quarters in to sell once you harvest. Just rinse them out a little first.
back in the 80's we used rubbers to store our weed on camping trips (un-lubed of course) you can fit in papers, matches, or a lighter, and like an ounce of bud, tie it off, then tuck it in a sock. even if your shit goes in the lake you still got dry weed, papers and a fire source. plus we brought extra rubbers along too, just in case.