Will traffic lights from a far distance affect my garden?


Well-Known Member
I know that a marijuana plant can handle up to 1 LUX without interfering with the light/dark cycles, but tonight when I went to transplant my big plant into a bigger pot, I seen a couple street lights off in the distance, about 100 yards maybe even a little further...SHIT!... but I didn't notice any noticable light shining on the plant while it being dark out (10pm), but you can see the plants within a few feet distance due to ambient light from the orange sky and the full moon tonight. So I was wondering how much this will affect or delay my flowering or if they will flower at all or even hermie? Any input would be nice, especially from experienced people who can relate to this issue. I'm going to put something around the the side where those street lights are just incase.

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Well-Known Member
should be fine imo...ive had closer guerilla grows to house lights and whatnot and i had a grow that was at the end of a driveway so they frequently got headlights turned on on them at night, was fine..


Well-Known Member
I grow outdoor in the city and have no problems. I am surrounded by lights from buildings, and my plants often get a bit of light from the living area of my house. My outdoor grows have been fine with this and you can see at night when your plants are going to sleep so as long as that's happening you'll be all good. Even when it's still slightly light I can noticibly see the tops having a rest and the fan leaves moving closer to the plant. Come along at night and the leaves are pointing up to the sky then you are in trouble. I think you will be cool though. Good luck with the grow.

Just a silly random thought, I wonder if growing with traffic lights would be possible, hahahaha. Picture of walking into someones grow room and a big old traffic light in there:shock:

Peace, DST


New Member
I also just started growing outside planted in june, my first grow and ill be damned if it isn't flourishing..I am very proud and can't wait for the results but at night during the night cycle there's this building across the street about 30 feet away with this bright as light but most of it is shaded by the big tree in my yard. Its start to show pre flowers and I'm afraid those lights might cause a problem....I wonder if I'm ok seeing that the light is shaded.


Active Member
I have a plant re-vegged every season either on purpose or by mistake and they have never came out fucked up.

Mr. Outdoors

Well-Known Member
I ran 6-10 plants in my back yard every summer for almost 10 years. I have 2 halogen flood lights that light up the whole back yard. Lights on and off several times a night for letting out the dogs, swimming, etc. NEVER did I have a problem with any plants re-vegging, and never had a hermi. Im not saying that it cant or wont happen, just saying in my experience I never had a problem.