Will you be the one?


Elite Rolling Society
I see a new post here, every week from a first time grower, or a new member here, over and over again, posting the same complaint or problem.
So I thought I might just save one first time grower or a few first time growers from some trouble.

I'll tell you a few PROBLEMS posted, then offer a remedy. Granny always said, an ounce of prevention, is worth a pound of cure.

Help, my cat, dog, bird, or ferret ruined my plants!
Keep the animals out of the grow room.

Help, I got Spider Mites! Aphids, Gnats, Larvae, etc
Before you start the grow, spray a good pesticide all over the floor and the corners and even up the wall. I like and use Home Defense, it has no smell and is safe for me.

Help, I got busted!
It is always the x-wife, x-girlfriend, nosey neighbor saw or smelled something, or the cops just happen to stop by and smelled the grow. And do you know that you can not catch a fish, until AFTER he opens his mouth? Keep your mouth shut about your grow!

Help, my leaf tips are turning yellow and drying or crisping!
Over-feeding, aka nute burn, is the most common problem I see here for first time growers. It is so much better to under-feed than to over feed. Over -feeding is not going to make them grow faster. Follow the instructions on the nutrients and IF you are growing with CFLs, use a litle less than recommended.
IF you are growing sprouts or very small plants, use a litle less than recommended.

Help, my bagseed grow is getting too tall!
Help, my bagseed plants have been flowering for two months and will not make mature buds.
Help, my bagseed blah, blah, blah.
One of the very first things a new grower needs to learn is the difference betwen Indica and Sativa.

Help, can I change my Name here?
Help can I change my Avatar here?
Help, can I delete my account!
Help, can I start a new account here?
No, No, No, and No.

did I forget any?

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
How can I get my best yield with one 23 watt cfl going 12/12 from seed? I have 12 plants 3 minutes old, how do they look?

This thread mad eme laugh out loud......... Thanx for the chuckle.


Well-Known Member
How can I get my best yield with one 23 watt cfl going 12/12 from seed? I have 12 plants 3 minutes old, how do they look?

This thread mad eme laugh out loud......... Thanx for the chuckle.
Whoever made that thread should be arrested for plant abuse lmao


Well-Known Member
Roseman I here you. I think to myself that this is a forum where people are stoned out of there minds and I am sure it makes perfect scence to them when they post. What can you do?


Elite Rolling Society
I will bet you that within the next seven days
a newb will post a new thread saying that he suddenly has Spider Mites, abnad another that the cat killed his grow, and another that his X screwed him over.