Will5437's First grow


Active Member
Here it is guys. The seeds are just random seeds from weed Ive smoked in the past. If im successful, then I will buy some good strains and grow it hydroponically.
Here are some pictures. I am running half 6400k and 2700k CFL, 3 of each total.



Active Member
Yeah, now that I pan around, there is some damn near MUD in there, huh!?!
Yeah, I know. I was hoping you guys here could actually help me with that. I leave the plants at home while I go to school, so I can only water them once a week. I make sure the water is moist before I leave, but now Im starting to get mold. I have a drip system but it sucks. Its a rainbird, and its terrible. I was thinking of hooking up my pump to a timer, but I would still over water them, as it would pump water for 15 min, waaaay over watering the plants. Any ideas to resolve my issue?

PS, Sorry about the large pics, I dont know how to resize.

Also, I am using CFS for veg. For flower I will use 400 Watt HPS.


get a timer and figure out how much water it will take in a 5...10...15 minute interval ONCE A DAY. Do that into a gallon milk jug to give us all a better idea. Those water timers are genius if you can set them up correctly..