Wilma/hydro Delahaze SCROG.


Well-Known Member
Hi! Thought I would share my second grow. Also my first attempt at scrog so hopefully it all goes well.

Delahaze from paradise seeds is 70 percent sativa, mango/citrus aroma and flavor with the typical haze characteristics. Big yield potential too :) I have them under a 125 w cfl currently to get them going and then they will be under a 400 watt HPS in a few days. The pictures I have are of yesterday and today (Day 14). I upped the feed today because the leaves looked a little light colored. I wanted to be careful with how much I gave them with it being a haze. Pumps come on every 4 hours for 15 minutes.

The screen isn't in yet obviously because they are too small. Let me know what you think of them. Some comments and pointers about scrog techniques and anything else about them would be great!

Cheers, DB



Well-Known Member
Not much to report. Things are looking better after the extra feed. It's greened them up a treat :) Swapped out the cfl for the hps now and everything seems to be ok apart from a little drooping so I have increased the feeding to 15 minutes every two hours to see if they are just thirsty.

I'm also stuck with the Dilemma of whether to top/fim or not before they go into the screen. The scrog net I bought has 8 inch squares which is probably a bit too big so I'm not sure what would be the best way to go with training beforehand or just lean them over under the net once they are big enough. Any opinions from scroggers would be a big help.

Sorry the pics aren't great but it's a faff to switch them off because of the plug location.

D,B :joint:



Well-Known Member
Well lots has been going on, good and bad! Today I decided to begin some LST before the SCROG to promote branching. The plants were sick last week (potential root rot) so hopefully it doesn't backfire on me :lol:. They look pretty nice now though and they appear to be growing fine so it should be good. Not sure what caused it but it seemed to begin after I added cannazym which is meant to help out roots but the next day brown stuff appeared in the res and the plants drooped and yellowed and to be frank they looked like shit. I put them on an intense treatment of h202 and they came back within a week or so. Anybody else experienced anything bad with cannazym. Maybe it doesn't mix well with my nutes. Maybe it wasn't that. Who knows!!

Anyway I backed the HPS off to 17 inches while they respond to the bending over. It's the first time I have done this and it was a bit scary. This is what they look like now!



Well-Known Member
The plants have responded very well to the lst. They responded within hours, very cool to see and a lot friendlier than topping. I have placed my net in now for them to grow into. Cant wait to start training them a bit more! I placed the screen at 10 inches above my pot rim. Is that enough for a 70% sativa? Something makes me want to lower it but I'm thinking that I should let the branches mature a little before the scrog. Downside to this method is the probable two week extra veg time but it should be more than worth it for nice dense buds. I hate fluffy crap!



Well-Known Member
Everything is going very well. These things are bushing out all over the place. Admittedly it isn't a true scrog with how things have turned out. I think the net I have for them is designed more for just "opening" the plants rather than scrogging. The squares are just to big at 8". Even so with the aid of some tying its still created some tops so I think I will flip the lights soon. I want to flower now but the plant in the bottom right hand corner nearest the door got topped by accident during a little training so it needs to fill out and recover first :sad: Another lesson learned!



Well-Known Member
All is well. Backed of on the feed because the more sativa dom plants where showing minor nute burn. These are very bushy plants. A great strain for training if you ask me. Got a good few tops going, nice even canopy etc. Just hope it does't become too crowded for them! The back left plant hasn't showed any pistils yet but there's time.



Well-Known Member
Hey. A few more pics then. These are from day 20 of flowering and they are at day 28 today exactly and going strong. Height is becoming an issue though but they appear to have slowed down a lot now but with only about ten inches max to spare. Its going to be close :/
