wilma plant issues


Well-Known Member
Hey. Apologies in advance for my noobishness. Ive read through some of your plant help links but can't seem to find a solution. These babies are ladyburn 1974 from greenhouse, a lite over two weeks old under a 400 w dual spectrum bulb. Temp and humidiy are at optimum levels. I think the problem may be to do with the pebbles they are in. I didn't prepare them propey by letting them soak in ph'd water and probably wasn't through enough in washing all the dirt off them. They are growing too slow also. Many thanks for you help.



Well-Known Member
Looks ok to me, plants ususally spend most of it's energy for the first few weeks putting out roots, I say patients they will grow fast eventually. what's your feeding system?


Well-Known Member
Looks ok to me, plants ususally spend most of it's energy for the first few weeks putting out roots, I say patients they will grow fast eventually. what's your feeding system?
Hey. Thanks for your help. Yeh they aren't in a critical state what so ever, just a little off colour with the yellowing and droopy lower leaves. I'm using a wilma 4 pot system. Its a basic flood and drain but I have just being flushing through with plain water to get any crap that's on those pebbles. Dont think they need nutes just yet.


New Member
You answered your own question my friend as it all comes down to the stones being used , the ph is in need of being set and as well youll need to frequently feed these by hand untill the roots develop and grow ..

I see a little twisting and some hungry ones , best to stay on the lower side of feed strength for now .. Dont forget to add cal/mag as most likely they will need this too ...

If you get this straightened out they will jump in no time and become huge lush plants ........


Well-Known Member
You answered your own question my friend as it all comes down to the stones being used , the ph is in need of being set and as well youll need to frequently feed these by hand untill the roots develop and grow ..

I see a little twisting and some hungry ones , best to stay on the lower side of feed strength for now .. Dont forget to add cal/mag as most likely they will need this too ...

If you get this straightened out they will jump in no time and become huge lush plants ........
Thanks alot man. I've being flushing them through with lots of ph'd water by hand. The run off came out at 5.8 with water that was set to 5.5. I will pick up some cal/mag this weekend.


New Member
I like to soak my stones overnight in a ph'd mild solution of feed , sounds like the flushing is working for you ... Best of Karma to you and the grow