Many many of us are huge proponents of Rdwc. Even if you just do a 3 bucket setup like you were saying. You only need 3x 4gal black sq buckets or if those are hard to come by home Depot sells 7-12gal totes with the yellow cross cross lids. HDX brand. Get those. You'll want a larger reservoir like 17gal. Check out my thread to get an idea but you build a manifold from the res stretching to each bucket using 3/4" pvc. You gotta down size to 1/2" black vinyl tubing at each bucket/tote so that the pressure is equal stretching to each one and can equalize evenly to each bucket. You'll then connect all the totes at the bottom going back to the res using 2" bulkheads and 2"ABS pipe for the water filling them from the waterfalls to return using gravity back to the res.
That thing is way overpriced. The whole thing sits on a very simple method of splitting the water to oxygen and hydrogen. In big system I’d be worried about the hydrogen gas... I was looking around and saw 2 more very interesting thing. First one called Carmin. I don’t really get how it...
That's cool man. Pretty low-key. I think you'll be surprised at the pressure of mine. i can't remember now, but its some where around 5-600 gph