Wilted completely & bent over...HELP please.


Active Member
I have looked for two hours trying to find what has caused this problem and how to fix it, with no luck.
I had seedlings growing in a "cloner", made from rubbermaid container with PVC sprayer inside, cool flors, etc. Anyway...for this particular problem, I don't think those details are neccesary.
I had to wait until my second "pump timer" (one minute on, four off-just like the one in the "cloner") arrived in the mail to move the young plants into the veg system. They are 3 weeks old and doing VERY well. Here's where the problem starts:
I mixed up my nutrient cocktail of Liquid Karma and Pure Blend Pro Grow Veg formula, poured it in the resovoir, topped with water and checked the PH. Then I took the 2" netpots containing the seedlings (ranging from 4" to 7") and moved them to the new system. They were under the same kind of lights but just the 4 foot kind, instead of the 2 foot kind. There was complete success in the moving, even with the really long roots, and the whole process took about 6-7 minutes-that's how long the plants were out of the water. The timer cycled two times when I suddenly realized....I had accidently used the Pure Blend pro BLOOM instead of the Pure Blend pro VEG. SHIT!!!
Sprang into action, and first unplugged the pump, then had someone hold the lid with the plants in it, while I poured the solution into an empty 5 gallon water bottle, mixed up the new solution only to find the PH was about 3, so it took a little bit to add "PH up" a little at a time to get it right. Then I put the plants back in.
Unfortunately, that process took about 15-20 minutes. The plants were NOT wilting before I put them into the veg system...but that doesn't mean they were not "on the way" to wilting due to lack of water for that period....I don't know.
About ten minutes after putting them in, they started to wilt. An hour later (and still tonight...24 hours later...they are soooo wilted, they are hardly standing on their own. Just wilted and hanging over. The stems (stalks) were pretty think, and they weren't weak plants.
Lastly, there was also 3 tiny clones in with the plants I had grown from seed. They were about 5" tall. All in all there was a variety of super silver haze, white diesel, white widow, gods gift, and bubba. (18 plants in all) EVERYTHING wilted the same. (I wasn't sure if that might be good to know that the clones had the same reaction as the seed plants)
Please help, I'm just about begging. What I'm looking for is:
1. Was it a lack of water for that long?
2. Was it the effect of the incorrect nutes on it for those two cycles?
3. Can the plants recover from this?

Sorry for the long post, but I've seen some people ask for help, but leave important information out. Everyone here has always been so helpful...especially when I first joined a little over a year ago and decided I wanted to give growing a try. I went out and purchased everything over a three month period, and then bought seed to begin. Long story short...I ended up killing about $500 worth of seeds and seedlings. This is the first real success I've had. I'm doing this because my daughter has had three sugeries and she has to have a knee replacement now. She hated the pain pills they gave her, and she discovered that this really eases her pain.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I have left anything out.


Well-Known Member
if ure ph was truly 3 and ure plants spent 4-5 min in this solution then the roots have chemical burn and may not { almost certin } make it . but i may have read this wrong as its 4 30 am and im fried dyed and laid 2 the side .