Wiring A Heat Sink Help!!


Active Member
ok how would go about wiring a heat sink what would i need where would i get (preferable household stuff) try and be specific and simple im not an eletrician :)


Well-Known Member
you mean a computer fan??? The heat sink is the aluminum pice that snaps to a processor chip... As far as hooking up a computer fan, all you need is a 12 volt wall adapter... Like from a old portable cd player or something.


Well-Known Member
I saw a picture in the gallery on how to make a heating tray type deal by wiring in capictors or something, and a knob switch to adjust voltage or something... I did bookmark it but I cant find it...


Well-Known Member
a heatsink is made to reduce heat by conducting the heat from the processor and allowing more surface area for the fan to cool.

do you mean a heat mat?


Active Member
lol i dont understand it rly tho where can i get resister etc
could i find something like that in my house or?


Well-Known Member
sorry qwerty, wasn't hating. My grow-op is completely handwired by me. I work as a computer technician and nearly electrocute myself on a daily basis. I worry about house-fires on a daily basis. This is also my first grow, so I am starting somewhere. Please be careful wiring anything AC, and even DC as far as that goes. Read up on electrical specs before you do any wiring so you won't have to answer firefighter or police investigators why you had 36 light sockets and a computer power supply in your bedroom closet :)


Well-Known Member
not hating. but when you start wrapping coils around a soldering iron and putting it in a box for 3 days things could get scary quick.
just common sense says be careful.

not a hating, more a warning.


Well-Known Member
I do all my growroom updates on a friday evening before I get baked. That way I have 2 1/2 days to see if anything is going to catch fire before I leave it alone. I feel all my wires for warmth and check to make sure everything is nice and dry. I do this about 100 times a day. I'm also a bit obsessive compulsive. I'm on meds and my doc assures me I'm going to be alright. He'll tell me this about 30 times a day, when he's in the office to take my calls.