With a sealed room are IN/OUT vents required???


Well-Known Member
Ok... One of the best vids i have seen on youtube to date... Everything seems to be just perfect http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKHVutKx9nc Sealed room, co2 burner, sniffer, air cooled hoods: Ok now the questions: First of all - is anyone else growing in this manner or at this level? Secondly - are the air cooled lights completely separate to the room - ie they run straight through the room and out the other side without the air inside them ever touching the growing space? There is a carbon scrubber in the middle of the room tackliing odours just sat there pulling air up and through with all the osciallating fans in the background and a mini split ac taking care of the temperatures DO YOU NEED IN AND OUT VENTS WITH THIS KIND OF SET-UP ??? Discuss:


Well-Known Member
Sealed = no vents in or out. Your air run from another room or outdoors, through the lights, and vents outside of the grow room/outdoors. None of the air venting the lights ever comes in contact with the room. This way CO2 you pump into the room stays in the room and is not vented out. This also helps with odor (although you should scrub the inside air as he is doing). Challenges are keeping heat in control - you will likely need a good ac unit running almost constantly.


Well-Known Member
I have to say - the results are astounding! Is this the perfect way to grow... thoughts/opinions? This is what i am aiming for with a good a/c unit. I think in the long term it will be worth the investment Has anyone on here got a similar set-up So: i just dose with the co2 and keep it at 1500ppm, circulate the air, have the scrubber running just blowing back into the room and cool the lights on a separate circuit, dehumidifier running and just have the best results ever without having to worry about temperature all year round? It sounds amazing to me, and since i seem to be constantly battling heat - makes perfect sens(i) also :)


Active Member
I run sealed like this and the heat is def the major issue. This time of year things are golden but come mid-summer I'm always looking new and creative way of getting rid of heat since my standing ac unit just isn't enough to fight the lights for a full 12 hours. Temps climb 1-2 degress every hour for me mid-summer leaving the high temp between 85 and 90 (too high) depending on the ambient air. Most of my efforts come down to trying to cool the area outside the growing room. Lower ambient = lower temps overall.

A nice mini-split would make a great c-mas present but I fear the installation process and visibility.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say random... I would only use a mini-split - i know it will all be very costly but i think it will be worth it in the long run as for the visibility... heat makes you visible, run the exhaust out of something that heat is supposed to come out of like a chimney or a drying vent. having an a/c unit outside - shouldnt cause suspicion, they are pretty common these days i dont know where you are growing and it all depends on property etc but a mini split in a built up area shouldnt cause concern stay safe though


Active Member
I was going to say random... I would only use a mini-split - i know it will all be very costly but i think it will be worth it in the long run as for the visibility... heat makes you visible, run the exhaust out of something that heat is supposed to come out of like a chimney or a drying vent. having an a/c unit outside - shouldnt cause suspicion, they are pretty common these days i dont know where you are growing and it all depends on property etc but a mini split in a built up area shouldnt cause concern stay safe though
It would def be the way to roll. I am crazy jealous of you mini-split owners.
unfortuntly due to where the room is built it is about as far away from a useful exhaust as it could be. Hence me working the ambient temps as much as possible since that can be vented properly.

God I love winter growing, so easy.


Well-Known Member
So can anyone reccommend a good brand of mini- split to use for this purpose? I heard it takes about about 2000 btu of cooling power per 600w light


Well-Known Member
Nah i dont think its that high per 1000w bulb.... Im definitley sold on the idea: There are just 2 options - bare bulbs with barn style reflectors (no exhausts) or air cooled magnum xxxl's The way i see it is - if i just use bare bulbs i dont need to vent... all i need is the a/c outside the property. If i go for air cooled hoods i need to vent the hot air coming through the reflectors AND have the a/c on the outside of the property both giving off heat. Bare bulbs seems great for no heat signature - anyone else doing it like this??? Thoughts Opinions?.......................


Well-Known Member
Anyone............................... Anyone using bare bulbs or you guys using cooled reflectors?..................

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i am no expert but those who i know to be experts proclaim 360 degrees of light is better then 180 degrees of light and a glass filter

but the set ups for horizntal lighting and vertical lighting are different


Well-Known Member
i would always stick with horizontal unless someone can prove to me that vertical would be THAT much better... then i would CONSIDER it at the least


Well-Known Member
Surely horizontal has got to be more practical to set up for venting etc... Anyone doing a sealed room want to chip in?.... Thx


Active Member
i have a two ton lg mini split nd love it. If it had a vagina i would make babies with it! ha, i run only sealed and have run a hot room, vs a cooler room. Heat wins to an extent. be ready to use a stronger nute strength, strain dep. but in most cases that is what u need. i run hydro. u need a dehumid. an ac, and a shit load of circulation.


Well-Known Member
sounds great youngtrader... i was wondering if there was any specific brand of mini split to go for?... i live in an appartment - do you think there is any way that i could get away with building a sealed room in my bedroom and running the external part of the mini split on the inside of the property right next to the window or would it all have to be completely outside??? im just thinking no-one else has an a/c unit in this block and i am up quite high so it may look suspicious - only alternative is to move?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i would always stick with horizontal unless someone can prove to me that vertical would be THAT much better... then i would CONSIDER it at the least
if consider is the only positive word you have for an idea that could give you better and bigger returns wll then i say good day sir


Well-Known Member
practicallity has a lot to do with it samwell, and possible set-up limitations because of the property i am in at the moment... plausible exhausts etc.