With all the deals out there, what did you buy?


Well-Known Member
Share your excitement here if you bought anything today. I hope this doesn’t turn into a flex, or flame thread. I just like to see what, and where people pulled the trigger today.
Took advantage of the dc 20% off. Got some more Useful gear. (Gmo x choc d)
Bluemoon wizard from rebel farms
Sr71 aka purple kush f5.
100$ w free shipping. Not bad. Cheers.
Something tells me that we're going to see regulation in the breeding business, combined with new laws and innovations around intellectual property (patents) and also patent enforcement. It's just going to take time but it will be here at some point.

I keep stocking up like there's no tomorrow but I'm trying to be picky about what I select. I'm just a personal collector though.

I am not even going to post lists because of fears it might pop my 'saavy investor' bubble, but I've already spent well over $2000 in the past two weeks. This is on top of the $1500 or so the previous month, and all that in the months previous... I always go for sales or large purchases direct with the breeder in order to get discounts/freebies.

Keep hoarding and store well!
yes stored in fridge butter compartment with desiccant packs. i also break a pack or two open and put the little beads into the viles

This is exactly what I'm doing now. I was disappointed recently when I found some 10+ year old seeds I had forgotten about but they all failed to germinate after 2 weeks. But to be fair, they did go through a couple of hurricanes with long term power outages so they didn't have ideal conditions all the time.
This is exactly what I'm doing now. I was disappointed recently when I found some 10+ year old seeds I had forgotten about but they all failed to germinate after 2 weeks. But to be fair, they did go through a couple of hurricanes with long term power outages so they didn't have ideal conditions all the time.
sometimes if.theyre real old you can put some.sand paper at the bottom of a container a roll your seed around for a few seconds then when soaking put some h2o2 in with it
sometimes if.theyre real old you can put some.sand paper at the bottom of a container a roll your seed around for a few seconds then when soaking put some h2o2 in with it

Probably from the heat and humidity they went through for some extended periods of weeks in the past decade. But after 2 weeks of waiting, I took them out of the propagation cubes and squeezed and was just goo inside. Was careful not to drown them while propagating, so they just weren't viable anymore. These were the first ones that I've ever had that failed to germinate. But on the bright side, it was an excuse to buy some newer strains!
Probably from the heat and humidity they went through for some extended periods of weeks in the past decade. But after 2 weeks of waiting, I took them out of the propagation cubes and squeezed and was just goo inside. Was careful not to drown them while propagating, so they just weren't viable anymore. These were the first ones that I've ever had that failed to germinate. But on the bright side, it was an excuse to buy some newer strains!
ya. it happens. ive been pretty lucky with storage and germ rates.i think im gona vac pac a bunch i know im.not gona use for a while.
ya. it happens. ive been pretty lucky with storage and germ rates.i think im gona vac pac a bunch i know im.not gona use for a while.

Yeah I would if I were serious and/or had more than a bit of pocket change of seeds I wanted to keep viable for as long as possible. Especially given with how quickly strains can come and go and become hard/impossible to find after just a few years.
Yeah I would if I were serious and/or had more than a bit of pocket change of seeds I wanted to keep viable for as long as possible. Especially given with how quickly strains can come and go and become hard/impossible to find after just a few years.
im a seed 'collector'
my wife says im a seed hoarder.
a small pkg arrives in the mail.and she gives me the look...... more seeds....? :cuss:
That's not a small amount to spend on perishables. How are you storing them? I've had very little luck with germinating seeds greater than 5 years or so.

I just tested a 10 year old batch of seeds I've been storing in the fridge. I had the same success or better as with seeds purchased this year.

My plan is to open pollinate everything one at a time to create F1's and store a certain percentage in the freezer for longer term. I'll try to retain at least 5-6 of each original in the fridge with everything else. Meanwhile, I just crack 2-3 of each strain I want to grow out to try for now, save pollen from the males, save cuttings from everything else I can, and weed them out as necessary.
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