Withdrawals possible with slowing down?

Ok so since Jan 2008 when I started smoking marijuana I've been a frequent user. I smoke every couple days in 2008 and then in 2009 it was all day everyday, I slowed down gradually because of schooling and events to attend, and because I just haven't felt the need to get high.The beginning of 2010 and so forth till now i've been smoking once a day at around 6:00pm, I want to slow down to twice a week. My question is will I experience withdrawals these coming days? I was gonna go sober tomorrow and the next couple days. Im not saying quittting altogether im just saying I want to slow down a little more. comments appreciated thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
Weed is the most dangerous drug out there.......DONT STOP completely or your heart will quit....................for gods sake man dont stop............oh wait.............that is what my mom told me ......never mind


Active Member
from my experience/research, marijuana is not physically addictive. You may find yourself mentally withdrawing from your usually daily habits but its not heroin... you should be fine, just don't freak yourself out or become overly paranoid, then you might experience uncomfortable symptoms.


Well-Known Member
I have been a regular smoker and quit for extended periods of time dozens of times and didn't have a problem. Everyone reacts a little different when trying to break a habit, but you should be ok.
ok thanks so since im not habitually using like i used to the withdrawals should be mild im guessing? Ive read they start within 24hours of the last smoking session and I already go 24 anyway without it so im guessing I should be fine?


Well-Known Member
You don't get "withdrawals" from stopping weed. You might be sad that you're not smoking. You might be annoyed. Hell, you'll probably be downright pissed off..I would be. But it isn't withdrawals, which implies physical as well as emotional pain. Everybody is different, but what you describe is smoking once/day, at least lately. There are folks on here who toke all day, every day. I myself smoke several times a day. We have to stop for one reason or another from time to time. The only real effect of that is that we clear out our receptors and get really baked when we do smoke again.


Well-Known Member
Ok so since Jan 2008 when I started smoking marijuana I've been a frequent user. I smoke every couple days in 2008 and then in 2009 it was all day everyday, I slowed down gradually because of schooling and events to attend, and because I just haven't felt the need to get high.The beginning of 2010 and so forth till now i've been smoking once a day at around 6:00pm, I want to slow down to twice a week. My question is will I experience withdrawals these coming days? I was gonna go sober tomorrow and the next couple days. Im not saying quittting altogether im just saying I want to slow down a little more. comments appreciated thanks guys!
If you smoke daily you'll get the same withdrawl you would get if you stopped checking email (and you checked it every day for years) or stopped listening to music, or stopped doing something that relaxed you or filled a habit... If you chewed your fingernails it would be the same as if you went a period without chewing on them.

Your first 2-3 days you'll be grumpy and have anxiety because your brians valve lets steam out by these habits. After that though your brain will adapt and you will be totally fine. Expect possible bad dreams for first 2 nights. Some people will have absolutely no withdrawl symptoms, other people will have more, it depends on your brains adaptability to change. It lacks the addiction you find with tobacco, alcohol, medications, and bad drugs. by day 3 you'll be fine.