and I thought you were going to say the WMD's were up Bush's ass the whole time. Darn it anyways.......
Oh, Miss, you made a comment about people being more helpful in 1976. I'm not going to argue that point. I suspect that they were. More likely it wasn't just in 1976, but going back further.
And I've actually met helpful people even in modern times.
One time I was in Vegas with my Corolla and the battery cables had corroded away, leaving me no choice but to jerry-rig it. Of course my jerry rigging failed, but luckily some one stopped and replaced my shoddy jerry rigging with a better job.
Then there's the fact that about two months ago there was a guy that had probably lost his job at Delphi or GM around my apartment complex. I was outside for a cigarette, ended up talking to him and gave him $12. I don't care if he went and bought food, or spent the money on alcohol. That's not my concern once I gave him the money.
Then there's the other day when I was at Wendy's and had some one ask for a few bucks to get gas because their car was out of gas. I didn't ask to see their car, I just handed them a couple bucks.
Then there's the no interest loans that I've made to a friend ($460) so she'd be able to keep or electricity and water on. I'm actually contemplating writing it off, and telling her to consider it a birthday/Christmas gift because the company her boyfriend works for just cut his hours so their probably hard up for money.
Then there's my little sister who I lent $500 to so she could get her car fixed.
Then there's the other friends that also needed a bail out, $600 (which they repaid).
And that's just in recent memory.
Anyway, the point of this is to point out that WE DON'T NEED THE GOVERNMENT TO STAND IN THE MIDDLE TAKING A CUT to help each other.
I probably would have been comfortable with giving my friends and family that money if I didn't have to pay taxes.