woke up to find my baby's popping out of the soil! first grow outdoors 2010.

very exciting to me being as this is my first grow and all. im going to let them grow for a few more days and then throw up some pics. ill try to keep this thread updated as my grow progresses. hoping ill have some experienced growers to help me out on here if anything goes wrong or if i have any questions(:


Well-Known Member
Congrat's! Good luck.

There are lot's of experienced growers on this site. Most of them answer questions all the time, but don't forget to search for answers also. It's likely that your question has already been asked.

whats great is they both sprouted on the 1st, so keeping track of the days will be easy. when i post pictures next time they will be a lot better. just a cloudy rainy day, the best they can get today is the window. weathers supposed to be nice and sunny all week though!


looks gud so far. i just joined on this site not 2 long ago n i plan on starting an outdoor grow. do you have any tips or info?
looks gud so far. i just joined on this site not 2 long ago n i plan on starting an outdoor grow. do you have any tips or info?
thank you! and welcome im fairly new here too. but as i said in the title this is my first grow so im probably not your best bet for information on growing. there are a few people ive seen on here that have very nice outdoor grows so you should read some of their threads for the most information, its what i did. my plants will either go all the way or they wont. but its somthing ive wanted to do for a long time so im taking the chance. good luck though if you do decide to start growing!
not sure its just bagseed. but whatever i got in that bag was some of the finest smoke ive ever had. i mean im an everyday smoker so getting lifted from my small bowl for 8 hours was impressive. so i just decided "hey ive always wanted to grow, so maybe ill give it at shot" sadly there were only 2 seeds so im hoping for the best. but if they turn out to be male, or anything else happens im going to look into buying seeds online and trying out an indoor grow.
well its something i guess ill have to look into then. i think the idea of cloning a plant is very cool though.

but ive been home all day since im sick plus its sunday, and they have grown about a half an inch each since i posted that picture. its so crazy how fast plants can grow! im really glad i got into this because im learning a lot of new things about plants and plant life. i kind of like to think of this as a little science experiment.


Active Member
well its something i guess ill have to look into then. i think the idea of cloning a plant is very cool though.

but ive been home all day since im sick plus its sunday, and they have grown about a half an inch each since i posted that picture. its so crazy how fast plants can grow! im really glad i got into this because im learning a lot of new things about plants and plant life. i kind of like to think of this as a little science experiment.
Keep updating pics - it's always exciting to see them grow. It goes by so quickly!


Well-Known Member
Have you gotten your first set of 3 bladed leaves yet? I always love my germinated seedlings getting to that stage after a few days to a week after sprouting. They actually start looking like marijuana plants at that point. Are you not using any form of inside lighting? 2-26 watt CFL's would be good to start them in for a few weeks, before you put them outside for good, especially with only 2 seedlings.
nahh not yet. i just noticed the little head of both plants barely pushing out of the soil yesterday at 5pm. and now about 27 hours later they are both a little over an inch. so im going to wait a few days and see how much bigger they get and then post some more pics. but no all im doing is using the window sill. i would have put them outside but i hear they don't like a lot of heat this early, plus today it was raining. the only light i have that might work is a 15watt fluorescent light.


Well-Known Member
I'd use that 15 watter about an inch or 2 from the top of the seedling so it doesn't stretch too much.
well this how i have it set up, my phone got shut off and wont get turned back on till tomorrow so i couldnt send a pic message. but i used my webcam so its not very good quality. and its not really that dark. webcam is just sheiiitt
