Wondering about stunted growth. should I be worried?


Active Member

Long time smoker, first time grower. I germinated 5 feminized Blackjack seeds about 28 days ago. I am growing indoors, in the basement. I prepped the area w/ a bleach solution, installed 48"(vertical) of mylar on the two walls bordering the space. I am using 4, 48" T12 tubes (2 cool white, 2 full spectrum) for vegetative growth (18 hrs. on, 6 hrs. off). I kept the lights @ about 4" from the tops of the plants for the first 21 days, I then bumped them up to about 6"-7" off the tops to promote a bit of stretching. I am using 10 gal of distilled water to mix the solution. I am using GH 3 part for nutrients. I am on my 3rd batch of solution atm. (25/25/25 ml, 12 days)(50/50/50 ml, 14 days)(125/100/100 ml, 2 days) I have an air stone installed in the res., and I am watering 3 times a day during the light hrs. (2 hrs. at a time, evenly spaced). The ambient air temp. stays @ about 70 degrees through out the day. the plants look heathy, and have really started to take off in the last few days. My question is this, should I be concerned that they are as short as they currently are. I have tried doing some research on this specific strain in hopes that it may be a slow starter, but alas, there isn't a lot of information posted on it yet. I therefore turn to the professionals. I have included several pics. I hope you guys (and gals) can give me your opinions and any advice is welcome. Thank you for your time in advance.





by the looks of it man your doin great an all the grls(hopefully)
look great the more compact the plant is the tighter buds you will have and by the
looks of it u dnt have to much space u dnt want them to go crazy because light can only penatrate so far
down into the canopy an they will almost double if not trip in size once u flower just relax and keep doin what your doin
you'll be burnin in no time


Active Member
No reason to worry, they'll grow up. Nothing much you can do at this early stage anyway.

You should get a 400watt minimum in a few weeks if you can, or you may have stunted growth due to lack of light.


Well-Known Member
For hydro those are mad small for 28 days. They should be looking like monsters by now at least. Get a 430 watt light and watch them grow


Active Member
I have a 430w ready to go. I wanted to give them enough time to get estabished before throwing the big boy on them. I guess maybe I'll be installing a new light tonight. Thank you all for your input, and by all means keep it coming.