wondering if my plants are suffering

Im relatively inexperienced with hydro, trying out a 16 site ebb n gro system i built. Can anyone tell me if my plants are lagging behind? They are two weeks from seed .

I had two 600w but ran too hot and now down to one. Worried the temp spike slowed em down. Thank you!


Well-Known Member
hard to tell with the light on them. they do look a bit on the light green side and if so you may need to up the PPM of your nute solution. at this stage i would say around 400-600 ppm should be fine.


Well-Known Member
get a pic up without the light so can judge how green they are. a light green means deficient and dark green means over fed, i dont think they are dark green but its hard to tell if they are too light or not with the light on for pics