Wondering if switch or adding beastie bloomz a good idea?

My plants have been flowering for for weeks now with GH flowering nutes and i want to step up to some better stuff. Is this a good idea seeing ive only used a single part flowering nute?
any input greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Im using GH nutes on my flowering plants that are on their 6th week. I just used the GH til about the 3/4th week and began using the Beasty Blooms. I lowered the bloom on the GH a touch to compensate for the added Phosphorus and Potassium the Beasty will add. I just gave my plants a good flushing so I could begin to get the plants used to the higher levels of P and K and then gradually increase over time. Just be prepared to flush more often since there will be more nutes building up in the soil. Take it slow and depending on your plants you should be able to go full doses of the Beasty in no time.


Active Member
thanks. did you notice a difference?
Oh yaaa! The buds really began to swell once I started them on the Beasty's. I would wait til the buds start to form first to be sure the plant is ready for all the extra PK. Just keep using the Micro for your trace and Nitrogen. I dont even bother with the grow any more. Just the Micro, Bloom and Beasties along with the occasional Cal-Mag or Dolomite Lime.