Wooden Pipe vs Homemade Water bong


Active Member
Well a while ago I got a free wooden pipe from a friend. Its nice and I have a nice filter on it. Well a couple weeks ago I decided to make a water bong out of a water bottle etc. It wasn't the best but the hits I got were biggest I ever had. I just don't know if im getting more thc from the bong then I wud my pipe.

Anyone got any advice of what one I should use?

PS: Sorry, I just noticed I posted in wrong section... Can a mod please move it? Thx


Well-Known Member
You're getting somewhat less from the bong because of the water filtration. Not so much that the cannabinoids are being dissolved as that they are sticking to the particles in dirty bong water. But unless cannabis is as expensive where you are as it is here, go for it.


Active Member
I think I might just stick to smoking any shake I get in my water bong and smoke good stuff in my bowl... Shake is too hard to smoke out of the pipe as it is.