Working around the natural temperature


Well-Known Member
It may have just been an unusually warm night but last night my house got up to 80 degrees (no ac). Now today at 1pm my house is 71 as it was yesterday around this time. My question is when it first gets dark does the temperature outside rise? I know that the minutes before the sun rises is when it is the coldest. So when the sun sets is that the hottest part of the day? Should I adjust my dark period to coincide with this time?


Well-Known Member
Yes, thats what i do. When its hot out its best to run your dark pieriods during the hottest part of the day.

My grow box is under my house to I used 150 watts cfl an no vent to grow when it was 20' outside. Just watch your temps closely when u make any adjusmtents

( I slightly burned my red dwarf auto the other day lol).

Ian Singerdale

Well-Known Member
My grow box is under my house to I used 150 watts cfl an no vent to grow when it was 20' outside
You grew a plant twenty feet tall with a 150W cfl? I need your secrets!


Anyway, either get some AC or better venting if it gets that hot. If you've already started flowering DONT change the cycle. They will turn hermie on you. Just plan it that way from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
They are still vegging. I am starting to slide the dark period back today by an hour a day. So they keep the same 4 hours of darkness but have 21 hours of light for a couple days. Any recommendations on an AC unit? I checked wal-mart and all they had were window units and dehumidifiers. How much would one of those standing units cost? Or should I buy a humidifier that also cools? During the winter my humidity is about 20% and during the summer around 40%. If I use a humidifier will it become too humid? I've grown in a location before where the humidity never dropped below 65% and never had a problem. Only grew 2 plants there though.


Well-Known Member
I'm using a stand alone unit right now in my 12 x 20 and i dont like it. It is a 8000 btu and i have it set at 62(the lowest setting) and it just barely keeps my room at 73f. this is not mine, i borrowed it from a friend who says it was around 550.00 it runs nonstop so it is gunna cost me big time. I will be getting a 15000 btu window shaker soon for 220.00. the other thing i dont like about it is that it only plugs into a 120v outlet and when i turn it on or when it cycles it sucks so much power it dims the lights in my shop and my house.