Working out before smoking makes for a better high?

Does working out before you smoke make you higher?

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I was wondering if anyone knows if working out before you smoke gives you a better high. If you work out you blood is pumping faster and inhaling marijuana smokes into your lungs puts the thc directly into your blood stream. So would the increase circulation cause you to get a better high?


From my experience, light exercise - either aerobic or weights - makes for a more pleasant buzz. If you're really going to work hard before you smoke though, it either has no effect on your high or makes it a bummer since you're tired.

One thing you might think look into is diaphragmatic breathing - it increases the oxygenation of your blood... if you've got a lung full of smoke, you'll get more THC per hit (in theory).


Well-Known Member
Toke on something that is going to give you munchies when you're done and keep plenty of protein enriched foods around to snack on. I know someone who's supplementing herb in his after weight lifting routine & the guy literally powers through 2 chicken breasts, 6 eggs, and washes it down with a protein shake. I can eat with the best of em but only under the influence of bud could I ingest that much food without getting sick.
nothing official, but i'd always smoke a blunt maybe two before id go to kickboxing/mma trainning last yr . I know it made kickboxing more fun and gave me a great feel out there lol
and the smoke after always felt great, but thats just personal exp....
Over the summer me and friends always blunted up and played ball until it got dark and we always played better high. Much more fun and even fullcourt games never felt like a big workout when you're high =)