World's best DYI all glass VapOiZer (including the screen)


World's best toxin free vaporizer that you snap together yourself out of cheap common lab glass.
Here's a video showing my friend how to do it. Thought some of you guys may want one too.
Costs about seventy dollars total and it's way better than a Volcano, no aluminum or plastic.
Anybody remember busting the center out a light bulb? Cleaning the white coating out. Couple pinches of weed. Heated with a candle or lighter?
Anybody remember busting the center out a light bulb? Cleaning the white coating out. Couple pinches of weed. Heated with a candle or lighter?
Weed wasn't the first thing that popped into my head .. while reading thismeth-pipe-light-bulb-2-7857.jpg
I was surprised the light bulb worked and worked good.
I friend of mine went to some greasy smoke shop back in the day and came home with a crank pipe thinking it would be a perfect vaporizer. Worked surprisingly well but we stopped using it cause smoking weed out of a crank pipe was a little too much :lol:
Anybody remember busting the center out a light bulb? Cleaning the white coating out. Couple pinches of weed. Heated with a candle or lighter?
Yeah, we used the clear glass appliance bulbs and a cap that fit the threads, with two tubes. One was long inside to let air in and the other was longer on the outside, to use as mouthpiece.
What a great way to vaporize hash it was... I used to make one or two every year after harvesting was done. There's definitely a stigma attached to the device though.