Worlds first kayak mobile grow


Well-Known Member
Authorities in the Lake Titikaka region of Switzerland have discovered what they believe to be the worlds first totally mobile Marijuana Kayak Grow room.
The extra large canoe had 3 x 1000w HID lights powered by a dynamo, attached to the oars, and 78 Thai Sativa plants - each cunningly wrapped in blue and white cloth to adopt the appearance of Sailors in the Swiss Navy.
The operation was worked by several Cambodian children who were chained to benches in the Kayak, similar to slaves in a Roman Galley.

Police accidentally stumbled onto the massive criminal farm after mistakenly boarding the craft in the hope of buying candle wax.
Cambodian Boat People regularly sail the lake in floating handy craft shops where locals can buy all the necessary ingredients for producing home made candles.
Inspector Einkle Klugg, of the Swiss Lakes and Rivers Narcotic Enforcement Bureau, said:
"I asked a sailor several times what kind of candle wax he would recommend to an intermediate level maker of candles. When he repeatedly ignored me I tapped his shoulder and he fell over. It was at that point I realised he was a 6ft cannabis plant with strips of blue and white rag strewn about him.
I pulled out my service revolver and randomly opened fire into the crowded kayak. Luckily only six of the slit eyed children were killed but no white people sustained any injuries. And there are no blacks in Switzerland - We won't allow them to even visit because they have lips like a fish and hair like the wool on a sheeps arse....."

Since disturbing the cannabis supply in Southern Switzerland the price of Marijuana has tripled ad school children are having to get by on solvents and massively impure heroin. A local farmer said he wished the Nazi's still sent looted art into the region, "But they were made to stop...It's political correctness gone mad! Brin back the Nazi's. They made everyone happy!"


Well-Known Member
:lol: What? Soooo, a police officer mistakes a 6ft marijuana plant for a sailor, trips out opens fire on it in which he realizes he just opened fire on a bunch of chinese kids? did i read this right?

noT My nAmE

Seriously, WTF??!! I read the damn thing waiting for a punch line, then it got all racist n shit. Whatever you're smoking, remember sharing is caring- LOL

I never did get that english humor...


Well-Known Member
I have not ready anyone else's reply so maybe somebody already told you to
if brains were dynamite....


Well-Known Member
English Humor does not include props for Hitler or hurting children.

He is a sick person, don't lump me with that POS.


Well-Known Member
This is MY humor,

So Queen Elizabeth and Dolly Parton die and both appear before St. Peter.

St. Peter says he can only allow one person to pass.

Dolly speaks first and opens her Shirt grabbing her Breasts saying " God made These, he will want to play with them forever in Heaven.

St. Peter looks to the Queen for her comment,
without a word the queen reaches in her purse takes out a bottle of Perrier and proceeds to Douche right on the spot.

St Peter tells the Queen she can pass and Dolly asks WHY her??

St. Peter says
" Don't you know a Royal Flush Beats a Pair"??

now that's friggin Funny.:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
That's friggin ancient and unoriginal.

Better to fail trying something new than succeed as a follower all your life.

You cunt


Well-Known Member
It may be an Old Joke, I heard it 20 + years ago.

I don't get Your problem with me?

if you don't like the inclusion of the Queen, Fuck Off!

the only good queen was the Band.

Calling me a cunt is like calling me a Pot Brownie, I eat that shit up!


Well-Known Member
I read the first pot yiur a fuckin idiot that deserves to be hung from a tree. Go find a hole crawl into amd stay tbere of you told me that joke in person I wod quickly without thinking slap the living shit out of you for saying something so stupid and ignorant.