is fast and Rare Dankness is going downhill...


Well-Known Member
I made two orders on the same night 5 days ago, one from Herbies and one from Single Seed Centre. The order from single seed centre just came. That is the fastest I have ever received a seed order of the 5 or 6 different banks I have used.

This was my first time using them, pretty impressed. Awesome shipping too, I didn't even know what the letter was until I opened it.

Rare Dankness

All the seeds except the Rare Dankness looked great. The Rare Dankness seeds look like dog shit, I guess people aren't kidding in all the other threads talking about RD taking a huge dive in quality. My RD Cornbread seed literally had a chunk missing from the seed, no idea if it's gonna pop or not. All the other RD seeds looked pale brown, just awful looking seeds.

I am a huge fan of RD, but I haven't grown or ordered any of their stuff in a long time. Since last time I had any of their seeds I have been reading tons of complaints around the web, figured it was all BS. Well, it's not BS, think twice when ordering RD seeds, the anti-hype, much like their original hype, unfortunately seems to be true.


Well-Known Member
i was going to order from single seed but i couldnt get the place to take my card, so i ordered from herbies. im just waiting till herbies changes there freebies so i can make another order.. but sin well i seed qand the tude i cant seem to get them to except my card. oh.sorry my key board is sticking