Worm Humus


Active Member
Hi guys,
Im new to the orgaic growing and thought i'd have a crack coz ive heard loads of people say theres no better taste than buds smoked from orgaic's. this is prob a very dumb qestion but are worm humus/ worm castings? i had some soil called vitamix-pro and told to add 30% of the worm humus to the mix, i also got bio bizz nutes, if im using them am i growing organicly? i also got some bone-meal, blood/fish/bone, epsom salts, superphospahte, sulphate of potast, sulphate of ammoina plant rippenr, garedn lime, superthrive, perlite, sharp sand, spagnum moss,. could someone tell me if i can put together a good organic mix with it???
I'd be really gratefull and happy happy happy lol
Thanks guys scunk


Active Member
sorry guys i forgot i posted a post the other day and some people have said thinghs so i would just like to know the really dumb ass qestion is worm humus-worm castings, thanks guys and sorry bout the re-print, i had some good stuff the other night lol


Yup sounds like worm castings. Humus is what occurs after organic material has thoroughly decayed, it is a rich, dark, biologically active material. Worms engulf particles of organic matter which are being acted upon by bacteria and fungi, and the decomposition is sped up considerably inside the body of the worm. Composting with earthworms is often referred to as vermicomposting and the end product is vermicultural compost aka earthworm castings. Humus (ie forest humus), compost and vermicompost/earthworm castings are all forms of thoroughly decayed organic matter that remain biologically active.


check out the revs version 2.0 soil it tells you how much to add of your dry organic nutes go easy on th eblood meal its hot and you will wanna cook your soil for more then 15 days and a temp over 65 f this will let the ph rise back to a ok spot

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Fact, fresh blood is the most nutritional thing known to man-kind. For plants, not Vampiers, Worm casting/manure is the most nutritist substance known to man. You can Germ in it, grow in it, straight. You are what you eat, the best is raised in Rabbit manure because the food for Rabbits is Alfalfa. "Food of the God's". Native worms breed too slow. Red Wigglers is the ticket.

