worried, please help


hi read a post on here the other day and it said to just take the sun leaves off first and most of the the ones that can be pulled off, then hang them and 3 days later manicure them and remove the rest of the leaves. I usually take all leaves off in the beginning...they have been drying for one day now and the leaves have curled up, i am worried that it is going to be a pain in the butt to trim now?? i had a little go whilst it was still wet and it was a nightmare...will this be easier once the leaves are dry? thankyou.


Well-Known Member
It's typically easier to trim before you hang to dry just because of that very reason.

It's personal preference so you can trim wet or dry, what ever is easier for you.:leaf:


Active Member
LOL... Yes, you are right, dry trimming is a pain in the butt.

I guess it is personal preference but every trimmer I know prefers to do it wet.

It looks like you have the opportunity to make the comparison for yourself :)

Who knows, you may like dry trimming better....

I hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
When I chop, I trim the big sun leaves, than hang. The only reason I really even hang, is to get the other leaves hanging downward. After a day or 3 of hanging, I do another trim, where I take the bud leaves, and give it a fine manicure. Than I decide if it needs to dry more, or go for the final cure, really depends on the season how long it has to hang.