Would 12/12 lighting hurt seedlings for the first few weeks?


Well-Known Member
I'm just finishing up my first grow (everything went great) - the last plant should be out of the tent in about 3 weeks. I only have one grow tent which is located in my basement. Since my basement gets chilly in the winter I would like to start the next crop as soon as possible. I was originally planning on starting the next batch of seedlings after the first crop was done and then just using normally lighting for the veg cycle. It just occurred to me that maybe I could start germinating now then place the new seedlings in 12/12 lighting until the last of the big girls is chopped then I'll switch the lighting to 18/6 for vegging.

So basically the seedling would start their first two weeks (maybe 3) in 12/12 then switch to 18/6. I understand that the 12/12 would probably cause slower growth. Does anybody know if it would cause any other problems with very young plants? Would the switch in lighting at 2 or 3 weeks cause any problems?

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
Pull them out and throw under cfl or floros for the 6 hrs else they are gonna be a little short 3weeks will put the. NEar showing sex and might have Togo back into veg


Well-Known Member
They won't go into flower in the first two weeks they are still seedlings not sexually mature, picking up a couple cfls and a bulb splitter would suffice for the first few weeks of growth till your tent finishes. If you leave them in the tent they will most likely begin to stretch like a bitch. You will have some spindly seedlings you could raise the seedlings above the other plants to keep them short but could risk burning them up depending on what you are flowering under. A pack of cfls and a bulb splitter will cost you under $10 and you will be much more pleased with your results trust me. Unless you like stretched out plants, in that case do it to it lol.


Active Member
If you can switch your 12 hours of flowering night at night time (if its not already) then you can keep your little ones in the window or some sort of natural light during the day, and boost them with an extra 12 hours of light at night.


Well-Known Member
I swear once you get a little knowledge it's damn near impossible to upgrade it

CFLs are bad for the environment. I hope you never break any in your home as they contain mercury vapors which go right into your lungs

LED globes do a much better job as they are more color accurate. They cost more, but do more, and last 10xs longer meaning over time they cost a lot less

Home Depot has a huge display of Cree LEDs. The LED forum captainmorgan has a complete grow using ONLY Cree warm whites

I veg and flower under leds, just not the chinese junk fixtures


Well-Known Member
Personally dont see an issue, 2 weeks under 12/12, if they get tall, just bend the main stem, or top them.

Sometimes I start some of mine in the flower tent due to space restrictions and have not seen any issues, but I have them there for about 10 days max, (at which point they look pretty similar to the vegging plants, just slightly more spaced between nodes.

Even if it starts pre flowering, it will revert back to veg, and in the rare chance that it hermies or anything then it wasnt exactly the most stable strain anyway.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help everybody. It sounds like I can get away with leaving them in the tent, but I didn't think about the stretching. I found a 200W CFL lying around the house. I'll set that up and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Dude I see no harm done with it. But yet again I do 12/12 from seed so to each their own bro. that is unless i'm vegging in the winter and planning on transplanting outdoors then I do 16/8. Regardless I don't think it would stress em too much to start 12/12 because then it would sorta simulate nature it starts with a light cycle in early spring close to 12/12 (at least around here) then you gain more light in summer 18/6 and then fall 12/12 again so I mean it don't seem too far fetched


Well-Known Member
I like your spring, summer, fall thought - it makes sense but I'm using T5 lamps which have reduced light penetration so I try to combat stretching as much as possible. In my first grow the plants stretched big time during the first several weeks of 12/12 so I was already aware that it could happen but for some stupid reason it never occurred to me that the seedlings would do the same thing. Once I read about stretching in the post above that changed my priorities.