Would anyone on here be up for selling some beans??

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Well-Known Member
Don't be stupid....... order from Attitude with the guaranteed delivery. This gives you highest percentage of you not getting ripped off.


Well-Known Member
Talk of buying/selling/trading/giving of any plants/clones/seeds/bud/etc is against site rules(in the forums, what you do in pm's is your business and confidential) and strictly enforced. sorry but i reported this thread. Seedbanks are perfectly trustworthy if you pick a good one. nirvana has done me well so far. i also hear alot of good about attitude(to be fair i do hear a little bad too but so far everyone who had something go wrong that contacted them that ive seen has gotten a replacement.


Active Member
seedbanks are the best and most trustworthy way of getting seeds if you dont have stores locally to buy them at but if you want...give me your credit card number and i'll send you a seed...see how stupid that sounds from just a normal person
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