Would COB flood lights work ?

Fast dog

Well-Known Member
Would cob flood lights work in an indoor tent I've found one that's 100w with lead and plug for £40 on eBay I'm thinking 2 in a 4x2 tent will I have an issue with heat or will they run pretty cool ? Just thought it been cheaper than buying actual cob lights and they sort of look the same.


Well-Known Member
Dont see why they wouldnt work. Wonder if they are a true 100w at the wall outlet, if so yes they will work bht im no expert.


Well-Known Member
It won;t work..I looked into them a while back. The page Fast Dog posted shows lamps that output 7500 lumens per the manufacturers claims. Maybe, but probably not. Even so.. 7500 lumens would cover 1 sqft for flower.

Growers using COBS run the Cree 3590's. This product doesn't seem to compare.

I'm also guessing that they are not designed to run for 12+ hours at a time. They are probably not heat sinked for that.

Remember that there is no such thing as inexpensive and quality LED lighting.
ive used pretty much every type of LED out there. those ones arent going to last you more than a week dont waste your time. dont believe? read some reviews, they are about 100% bad. plus they dont ground the lights power at all, making them kind of dangerous as well.