would it be okay to take some leaves off her ??


Well-Known Member
i got 6 plants growing now in week 6 flower would it be okay to cut some of the big fan leaves off and all the spread out ones? i know about leaves contain sugars and plants need and you need leaves to photosynthesis so dont give me that b.s.... but considering you have all kinds of leaves around the bud sites i beleive that would be sufficiate enough???


bud bootlegger
sounds to me that you already know the answer to your question m8 as you already gave the reasons why it's not a smart idea to remove fans..


Well-Known Member
Its ok to remove destroyed fan leaves. I never had an issue. Try to just tuck healthy ones under a branch.


Well-Known Member
okay ill just remove the ones around the bud sites then .. yea i did answer my own question didnt i!! lol


Well-Known Member
i remove them damaged or not... havent seen any decrease of potency or anything... the only change is increased yield... just dont go crazy...