Would it work the same?


Would the scrubber work the same if I run it without an exhaust? for example if I just hang it up and turn it on. or do I have to have the air getting dumped outside threw an exhaust pipe of some sort?


Active Member
Thats what i'm gonna do.I'm gonna recurculate all the rooms air and co2 through the filter once a minute if it's not enough ill add another filter. lol


i hope so cause the CO2 will get dumped outside if i exhaust the scrubber so its mind boggling im kind of nervous eather i exhaust the scrubber and lose all of the CO2 or dont exhaust the scrubber and it might become useless and the smell will take over

does anybody have any exp on this topic please help thanx


Well-Known Member
As long as you have a HIGH AMOUNT OF AIR pressurizing the filter, it doesnt matter where the air goes after that, the job is done. I like to have CAN filters exhaust leave the room, it helps to suck air in that way through seams.