Would like some feedback?


plant 2.pngPlant1.png

So i'm on day 19 of vegging, under a 300W CFL at 18/6
Growing in Canna Coco professional plus
Been feeding on occasion (only used about 2 liters of nute mix per plant (Ionic Coco Grow 7ml/liter) ) and been foilar feeding every couple of days about 40 minutes before lights out (found this was the minimum time for all the moisture to be either evaporated away, or taken in by the leaves, and it has really helped with growth), but been watering whenever i feel the soil has dried sufficiently (i.e under 1.5 inches below the top soil has dried, this varies between every other day, and 2 times a day (twice a day was a one off just before they're last growth spurt so assumed that's why they took on the extra water) (becoming more regular as time has gone on)

I'm very happy with my grows performance so far but thought I'd put it to the pros ;)

The little plant (second picture) has browned tips on the first 2 true leaves as can kinda be seen from the picks, but this stopped advancing down the leaf after a flush (i think i might have got nute lockout, so have halved the amount of nutes that plants getting and will get back to building it up)

It also acquired 2 little yellow spots (can't be seen) which i took to be spider mites (assumed they crossed over from a bag i bought (accidentally dropped a bud on the plants :cry: but spray of water, nutes and a touch of alcohol with dishsoap, seems to have stopped the problem (spots appeared about 4 days ago, and no more have appeared since i started spraying more regularly)

Whats everyone's thoughts? and what could i be doing to boost growth?

cheers all!

And sorry they're such crap pictures :/ i'm on a laptop

PTB :joint:


Well-Known Member
They dont need foliar feeding, foliar feeding only works as temp measure when the plant isnt taking up nutes thru the roots. Dont spray anything on them you dont have mites and the one with the brown edges is nute burnt ,dont feed it for 2 weeks then bring back nutes -20%. Also only water when needed not when the pot is dry 1 inch down. At that size they would need watering in that pot once every 7-10 days at most.


They dont need foliar feeding, foliar feeding only works as temp measure when the plant isnt taking up nutes thru the roots. Dont spray anything on them you dont have mites and the one with the brown edges is nute burnt ,dont feed it for 2 weeks then bring back nutes -20%. Also only water when needed not when the pot is dry 1 inch down. At that size they would need watering in that pot once every 7-10 days at most.
little bit begrudging to stop foliar feeding on account of the increased growth from when i started :S but I'm new to all this so will do some more research on it with your advice in mind,

And i thought nute burn only occurred from spillage onto the plant itself? I've never spilled any nutes on that one but have little droplets on the much bigger (and not burnt) plant hence figured nute lock out?

Not saying you're wrong :P just fishing for more info :bigjoint:

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
You can get nute burn from the plants sucking nutrients through roots. And if you don't dilute the foliar enough it can burn the leaves. You don't need to foliar feed at this point. It seems like it might be out of your scope and not necessary in the first place. You can grow good bud with a good base nutrient alone.


okay, so foliar feeding is a no go, and i clearly need to give my plants a nute break then, so should i start building up again from nothing for a few weeks? I assume stopping and going back in after the break at my current strength would be just as stupid as not giving them a break at all?

and what about the other? keep feeding as normal?


Back again (sorry! haha) so much has changed since that last pick, stopping foliar hasn't effected growth much, and the nute burn has stopped advancing (i assume the dead bits of leaf are lost forever?)

What do we think?!