Would like to start some bigger clones


Active Member
I have a plant that got stunted from some very cold weather and crazy temps. If I wack some of the lowers off and try to root them but I have a couple questions first
1.) will they grow just as slow as the mother plant?

2.) can I use party cups with peat moss or peatplugs in a small dish.

3.) if I leave them uncovered what should I have humidity around in the tent.

4.) how big of a branch can I use without being too big?

I am no means a pro but from my few years of experiance i will try n answer some of your questions.

1. If your mother plant is lacking growth due to the temps and not being root bound or just a shorter indica then i would think aslong as the clones are not subjected to the same extream temps they should do fine. I would think the clone will take off regardless really, i know my flower room gets down to 58 or 60 some nights and i have no issues

2. I do not have experiance rooting this way, so cant really help.

3 and 4 . I believe ive read up to 90 percent humidty is ideal, I use a big tote with a pump and misters in the bottom and do not use a humidity dome and take clones never bigger than a foot with out issue, they droop at first but pop back up ina day or so, the humidy in my veg is about 50 and it takes a little bit, i do mist with water and some clonex but in a week and a half or two they are ready to plant and dont have to aclimate to lower humidty at all.

Hope this helps some