would these pots work for plants?


Well-Known Member
I am gonna start a few autoflowers. I was just wanting to know your thoughts on these type of pots. Would these be good for soil or not?k2-_4cea704e-5179-4811-83de-ad63d9d68150.v1.jpg
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Active Member
water might pass through the perlite too quickly though, a soil mix could clog her up.
Have you thought about DWC for the autos? I mean considering their life span I'd be pushing all I could put of them.

That pot, has actually blown my mind. :shock:

Good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
I would top feed to get saturation, then bottom feed to maintain. If you let coco dry out too much between waterings it can be tough to get it to re absorb. Thats where the bottom feed on that pot would kick ass!


Well-Known Member
I would top feed to get saturation, then bottom feed to maintain. If you let coco dry out too much between waterings it can be tough to get it to re absorb. Thats where the bottom feed on that pot would kick ass!
so top feed to get runoff into the bottom. Then when it dries up. Top feed again. Or top feed then drain the bottom and refill with fresh water/nutes?


Well-Known Member
You can do either way. But I think I would feed from bottom a little bit, to get some saturation, then top feed to get the rest moist so it wont just just run through unless you water it real slow. Then depending on how you water coco, I would top feed or bottom. If you let coco dry out between waterings then bottom feed, if you don't let it dry out then you would top feed. Also, upon transplant I would bottom feed only to encourage root development. Or water up to the level of the top roots.
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