would you cut down if...


Active Member
If it was only day 45 of flower on 2 white widows with trichs at 30% amber, but over 50% of the pistols are big and white still? I'm confused cause its usually the opposite, i'm usually waiting for trichs to change after the pistols have receded. Are trichs the true answer?


Weed Modifier
If it was only day 45 of flower on 2 white widows with trichs at 30% amber, but over 50% of the pistols are big and white still? I'm confused cause its usually the opposite, i'm usually waiting for trichs to change after the pistols have receded. Are trichs the true answer?
it sound like she is close....if it is only 50% red hair and 30% amber then she is ready, but the pistle thing gets me too....if they are white then they are new growth so it would be your call, but i wait till it stops growing new white pistles. you got any pics.....?

did you check bottom trichs too! what % amber are those?


Well-Known Member
No, never. white widow goes over 8 weeks.. it is really slow, no way in hell it'll be ready at 45 days.

If the calyxes aren't swollen definitely should not cut it. If I was forced to cut something that early I'd hash it all.
Are you sure those are really amber?


Active Member
Yeah they definitely look amber, and I double checked there age to my calendar(only 45 days on 12/12) after 5 weeks in veg. I'm not in a hurry so I want it ready, I personally don't think the buds are full enough yet. I'm gonna try and take some pics.


Active Member
Ok here are some pictures, it really looks young to me in the pictures, but in person it looks better. It doesnt really look done to me, but I checked trichs at the top and at the bottom and there is at least 10% dark cola colored amber. Confused.



Well-Known Member
No does not look done good rule of thumb is when all the pistols go back into the bud it's really close to being done those buds are gonna swell real soon there is more than one way to skin a cat and there is more than one way to check a ripe plant i'm smoking WW right now :). Peace


Weed Modifier
Ok here are some pictures, it really looks young to me in the pictures, but in person it looks better. It doesnt really look done to me, but I checked trichs at the top and at the bottom and there is at least 10% dark cola colored amber. Confused.

Awesome pics man....looks like she can go a couple more weeks man those pistles are standing straight out and when they start to reseed into the buds,a bit, she will be done, + rep for the porn!!! How tall is she? Looks nice and bushy...


Active Member
She is only 12" from top of the pot, and about 18" wide. Not sure how she got so big, I veg.d for almost 5 weeks under 250w cfl, under a screen for scrog. Actually started to flower it under the cfl because my hps box was full. After 2-3 weeks on 12/12 under cfl I moved her to 400w hps but I had to remove the screen. The nodes were close to begin with plus I used bushmaster and topped it. Right now its just tied back for better light penetration.
I will probally feed her once more tonight then just water till she's done. Wish I would of cloned her, but I have one more seed left g13 w.w.


Active Member
Man those hairs are changing quick! In like 24 hours the amount of red hairs has doubled, she might be ready by the end of the weekend at this rate, but will give her all the time she needs.


Weed Modifier
Man those hairs are changing quick! In like 24 hours the amount of red hairs has doubled, she might be ready by the end of the weekend at this rate, but will give her all the time she needs.
Sweet man ...can't wait to see the Harvest pics buddy....have you sampled her yet?


Active Member
No I've been good(no sampling) plus I just harvested a couple autos so I've had fresh nugs to hold me over. I fed her some base and honey last night and should be able to flush twice by Sunday to harvest if ready. Ill post pics of the chop when it happens, it will be her and a Bubba kush that's also ready.