Would you start believing if

Would you start believing is earth would turn out to be trule one of a kind

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 3 75.0%

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Well-Known Member
Would you start believing in a God/creator if mankind were able to investigate every planet in the entire universe and beyond and prove earth is the only one with intelligent beings like us humans? I.o.w. if earth and humanity would turn out to be truly unique, would you consider it a fluke or magic.

woops... "if" not "is"... and yes truly.. wtf
Unless I was shown otherwise, life being unique to this planet in itself wouldn't be enough to believe in magic or a creator. It is possible that we are the only planet with life, but mathematically it seems very unlikely. I'd be more apt to believe in magic if we were able to examine every planet in the universe, that would be a neat trick ;)
If it was just us, ... we'd hardly be unique ... 7,1 billion of us are already on this planet ... and growing fast.

I would perhaps call it a fluke, and most likely the beginning, as it would then only be a matter of time before we will have explored and populated every capable planet in the universe.
I would have more doubt in my spiritual beliefs if it was proven that we were the only intelligent life in the entire universe, I still wouldnt doubt that there is some kind of intelligence behind creation though. I'd just be like "wtf God? We are as good as it gets? You couldnt make evolution work on other planets so that we can have some friends to chill with?". Doesnt matter though because everyone knows aliens are real, I mean c'mon ;-)
With likely 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000++ planets in the observable universe, it would certainly catch my attention. Hard to say for sure what my reaction would be; but an interesting thought experiment.
People also forget that planets are not the only places that can support life. Many of the exoplanets we have found in the Goldilocks zone are gas giants that likely haven't evolved life but they might have satellites that do. So multiple the number of planets by the average number of moons and we have that many more places to look for life.
No, for the simple fact that proving that life (intelligent or otherwise) only exists on earth doesn't prove the existence of a god.

I like to think I'm fairly open minded. The only requirement I have for believing in a god is evidence that said god exists.