Wtf is going on here?


Active Member
so I started these autos in solo cups Going on 3 weeks ago and transplanted into 2 gallon containers yesterday and walked into this , this morning. Last night everything was lush and green? Growing in 50/50 mix ocean Forest and sungrow#4. Fed them quarter nutes when they had 3 nodes everything was fine. Transplanted 9 on Friday and 6 last night. The ones from Friday were fine until this morning. I fed them all Ph’d water at 5.8 yesterday. Could that be the issue? Also a couple got fried but the 600 HPS was 3 ft away from them? Now it’s 4 but I’ve never seen a plant fry that fast? I know that every one says that you can’t transplant autos but seriously every plant can be transplanted if done correctly and I’ve transplanted many plants in my day and have never seen this.



Active Member
Since you've done almost everything possible to stunt or kill them, why not take a hammer and just finish them off. Then, for your next grow, read any of the multitude of free grow guides on the internet...several even focus on autos...and then actually follow the instructions. Sorry to come across as a hard ass...but really, dude???


Well-Known Member
There's a lot going on in those pics , it's hard to know for sure but what can be assured is you've got at least a few things wrong. You don't need to pH water if growing in soil.the soil acts as a natural buffer. I don't know if that's your issue..some of your pics looks like lock out defs, some of the other they look fried. your soil may have been too hot from the getgo .autos like a light mix. Adding nutes to an already too hot soil may be your issue.
They should be a lot bigger at 3 weeks and you shouldn't start an auto in a small cup. They don't like transplants either

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
Since you've done almost everything possible to stunt or kill them, why not take a hammer and just finish them off. Then, for your next grow, read any of the multitude of free grow guides on the internet...several even focus on autos...and then actually follow the instructions. Sorry to come across as a hard ass...but really, dude???
An AH response like that should include a pic of your last grow.... But really dude.

Jypsy Dog

Well-Known Member
so I started these autos in solo cups Going on 3 weeks ago and transplanted into 2 gallon containers yesterday and walked into this , this morning. Last night everything was lush and green? Growing in 50/50 mix ocean Forest and sungrow#4. Fed them quarter nutes when they had 3 nodes everything was fine. Transplanted 9 on Friday and 6 last night. The ones from Friday were fine until this morning. I fed them all Ph’d water at 5.8 yesterday. Could that be the issue? Also a couple got fried but the 600 HPS was 3 ft away from them? Now it’s 4 but I’ve never seen a plant fry that fast? I know that every one says that you can’t transplant autos but seriously every plant can be transplanted if done correctly and I’ve transplanted many plants in my day and have never seen this.
Did you give them a flush yet? Might save a couple of the later ones.


Active Member
First off, I’ve grown for over 20 years so we should get the formalities out of the way now. Second off soiless mix is a buffer but my tap water runs high 10’s so fuck that. And yes you can transplant about any plant except for some types of vegetables, people have been growing crops for thousands of years. I didn’t say I was a newb I said I’ve never grown autos before and wanted to try them? BTW those pics are not even 3 weeks old yet in 2 gallon pots. Have you ever seen a regular plant that age in a 2 gallon pot? Not even half that size so that’s just stupid. If you would’ve read the post instead of every one acting like they knew everything you would’ve seen that everything was fine until I plain PH WATERED them last night? Guess what geniuses? My PH pen was broke everything was really at 2.5! You ever seen what that does to plants? Well you just have. I’ll be back in 2 weeks with updated pics that’ll blow your minds. Ps..... back in the day we used to grow strictly in 3 gallon pots, with sungrow #4 and distilled water and bat guano. Ever here of the indoor growers bible by Jorge C? Yeah read that book that’s all you need to know. All this other bullshit you young’ns push and troll on these boards is worthless info that you read and regergitate to other idiots. Peace


Well-Known Member
What happened? You transplanted autoflowers.

Dont do that.

Just start them in the pot you plan to finish them in. Their roots are stupidly sensitive.


Active Member
So poster says 3 wks in solo cups. By that time, you won't transplant an auto without damaging it. So now, his plants are in the middle of full blown transplant shock and in that grossly weakened state, they can suffer further insult from that 600 watt hps even though it is 3' away. Forget nutes on autos until flowering starts and then start with 1/4 to 1/2 strength at the throw some nute burn in there for good measure. So, have at it...waste all kinds of electricity dollars trying to salvage a few plants that are guaranteed to reflect poor growing practices in their yield if they actually survive. I'm not talking down to anyone...think I've ever blown a grow? HELL YES, I HAVE...who hasn't? I'll say it one more time: Had the grower read and followed the simple instructions of any of the many free grow guides out there, this thread would not exist.


Active Member
So poster says 3 wks in solo cups. By that time, you won't transplant an auto without damaging it. So now, his plants are in the middle of full blown transplant shock and in that grossly weakened state, they can suffer further insult from that 600 watt hps even though it is 3' away. Forget nutes on autos until flowering starts and then start with 1/4 to 1/2 strength at the throw some nute burn in there for good measure. So, have at it...waste all kinds of electricity dollars trying to salvage a few plants that are guaranteed to reflect poor growing practices in their yield if they actually survive. I'm not talking down to anyone...think I've ever blown a grow? HELL YES, I HAVE...who hasn't? I'll say it one more time: Had the grower read and followed the simple instructions of any of the many free grow guides out there, this thread would not exist.
Listen Im not trying to be a dick but transplanting a autoflower is almost as risky as transplanting a clone......and if you can repot a clone you can do a auto. all youre doing is regurgitating shit youve read on the internet. While I bet you if you looked you would find just as much on transplanting auto's as not. Ever hear of greenboxgrown? look up his website. Not only is he sponsored by reputable seedbanks he also has a whole series on transplanting auto flowers. So yes it can be done. BTW once again, Troll, I fed 1/4 strength nutes the only thing thats going on here is nutelockout which is caused by using the wrong PH'd pen was fucked was to low.... thought i went over this. they will fully recover.


Active Member
Not trying to pile on, but you explained how you killed them step by step. First, leaving them in solo cups for three weeks... most of my autos start showing flowers by days 28 to 35 from sprout... i would say do a little more research on autos because they are vastly different from photos my friend. Unlike a photo plant which can take an absolute beating, a lot of autos can be stunted and not recover the rest of their lives by just one mistake.


Well-Known Member
If your growing in the "Back Forty." Maybe. A 2 gallon pot of soil??? Think about that. You should always have a clue what the pH is. You can add 2ml of Bloom Booster to a gallon of water and BAM!!!!! The ph is @ 3.8. Buffer that BITCH!
If your gonna use hydro nutes then yes you need to ph


Active Member
8E22C6D3-FB9E-4680-B73B-0C2FD439DA62.jpeg Well here’s for all of you know it alls that couldn’t even read the posts in the first place and only saw “transplanted” and “nutes” let this be a lesson to you who just jump on the bandwagon and don’t try shit for yourselves. These are from today, every plant is 4 weeks old, and 1 ft tall and still have at least 4-5 weeks to go to harvest but 1-2 weeks of vertical growth. All I did was flush each plant with over a gallon of PH’d water and then left them alone. Just watered 3 days ago again. The yellowing are the dead leaves I just left alone. If you compare the pics you’ll see they’ve grown at least 6-7 nches and have filled out in a week.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 4063539 Well here’s for all of you know it alls that couldn’t even read the posts in the first place and only saw “transplanted” and “nutes” let this be a lesson to you who just jump on the bandwagon and don’t try shit for yourselves. These are from today, every plant is 4 weeks old, and 1 ft tall and still have at least 4-5 weeks to go to harvest but 1-2 weeks of vertical growth. All I did was flush each plant with over a gallon of PH’d water and then left them alone. Just watered 3 days ago again. The yellowing are the dead leaves I just left alone. If you compare the pics you’ll see they’ve grown at least 6-7 nches and have filled out in a week.
Nice recovery. Have you gave them any Cal Mag