WTF???? Stupid electric company!!!! PICS!!!


Well-Known Member
Stupid electric company came out and cut some trees back. There truck was right next to one of my plants nestled in a small clump of bushes. Idk if they saw it. what should i do? :shock: They aren't gone yet do you think they will call the cops? BTW its one of the ones in the ground.

BTW they were picking up branches and stuff like 2-3 feet awaay. She doesnt smell yet but atleast to me she stands out. What do you think???? I added pics from both sides.


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about it. You'd be amazed at how unobservant most people are, and your plant is just another plant to the casual observer. Besides, if they were to call the cops, feign complete ignorance of its existence, and ask them to please remove it for you.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it...( call the cops...unless they were complete A-Holes)

Most civilians wouldn't know a pot plant if they saw one...and they are still small.

I'd wait a couple of days and decide if you want to move of the workers might have scoped it out for a later snatch and run.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
what you might want to watch out for is if they were smoker also and now they are going to wait tell harvest time to snatch themup..


Well-Known Member
ooooooooo,, theres a dilema,Whats the options?
dig it up?
leave it and deny al knwledge?
try and re-plant it somewhere else at night?(not sure if this even possible knowing how crazy ganja roots can get)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i dug one up bigger then that in my green house and put it in a pot put it indoors and flowerd it.. she lived with no ill effects.


Well-Known Member
My vote is to leave it and hope for the best. I doubt cops are much of a concern here and those things look pretty disguised to an untrained eye. Down the road you'll be smoking that magnificent plant and laughing at this whole situation ^_^. Beat the paranoia!


Active Member
id move it...doubt they will call the cops but at least 1 of them has to know what pot looks like and might come back for it later


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about it unless the workers were some older hard noses against pot heads. Otherwise, I doubt the younger guys would come back and steal something from your yard.


Well-Known Member
Lol, you could always leave a small water sealed note that just says "I know who you are, and where you work." Would it stop them if the plant was flowering? Probably not, but ya never know :)


Well-Known Member
No don't leave a note, and no don't move it. You would actually be surprised of how many people don't notice what a pot plant looks like to the unconscious mind unless they were actually thinking about the pot plant itself. That area you have it in looks pretty concealed enough. Just let it live bro.


Well-Known Member
I reckon 1 of them seen it, after all they would have been looking around for what to and what not to cut?? I would be very cautious in the coming weeks/months as tree cutting isnt a job where your mind is somewhere else!! they must see hundreds of types of plants each day there bound to know what a pot one looks like?? They might not give a shit since its only 1 or 2 and for personal use(its not a farm they found)


Active Member
if its on your property you may want to move them. if it is and you get caught you could just say you didnt know about it and must be some neighbor kids. marijuana plants are very good at hiding tho. i remember years ago when i did it outdoors i would sometimes have trouble finding them cause they would blend in so good. if they are smokers themselves and seen them they may consider stealing them. lot of ppl are cool with pot tho. but it only takes 1 dickhead to call the cops. best of luck and be careful