Pics or it didn't happen...
How long have they been on your plant?
Just to let you know, there are quite a few bugs that breath through their easy way to stop them from breathing is to spray them with some water with a few drops of dish washing liquid (purely to increase coverage of the water) this
You can also chuck a little dash of molasses in with your spray. The molasses will increase the sugar content on the leaves and hopefully 'dress' the leaves up to appear a bit more healthy.
So with the spray you will be killing as many bugs as well as making your plant appear healthier to other pests.
If you still aren't happy, then chop up some garlic and mix that in with your spray...most people will let it sit for a day or two before hand though. But be careful, the garlic spray will kill not only the bad insects but good ones as well.
Edit: if you do spray your plants with the above, don't expect it to work wonders in a few hours...if it took days for the problem to appear, it will take days for it to resolve itself. shit takes time.