WTG Ottawa! lol

lol...you can say that again...

oh ya..that's right...we've been sayin that all along!!
When it goes..its going to go hard..they better keep up if they want any kind of input..because as you keep sayin...
they'll never be able to control the ...peoples plant ....

It's GO TIME people!!! :)
Where's that Ottawa member who buys for his wife...yippy buddy...there ya go dude.
Eddie ?? where are ya
"The men buy their product from Marijuana Medical Access Regulations licenced growers."

Me thinks MMAR is here to stay along with the rest! (:
Settle in because I've got some shit to fling oooooooooohhhhh boy. SO I had been to this dispensary 3 times previously since my last post in this thread. Yesterday I drop in to pick up some meds and they pull me aside to revoke my membership saying my medical documentation isn't valid. Even after having been there 3 times, and despite NEVER having an issue with the letter of recommendation before over the last 2 years(Do no Harm Clinic)

They start going on about how i need to have a doctor prescribe a set amount per day ( My letter asks for exemption under the consideration of Section 53) My condition is clearly stated in plain type font right there(MS). I called the clinic and the do no harm clinic and their awesome receptionist took the time to talk to them. After her chat with this dispensary she tells me shes never had this happen EVER with their letters. Fair enough, I pry a little more into their reasoning, they tell me they modelled their business on the LP model, and go on about well Ottawa Is a conservative city blah blah. Basically they haven't a god damn clue as to how things work.

So I left very pissed off at the complete lack of logic and knowledge on their part, but mostly because it takes me 3 buses and 1hr 30 min ONE way to get there. Today i said fuck and booked myself for a last min Dr appointment with my GP in hopes to finally persuade him into prescribing Medical Cannabis to me finally. Long story short we had a debate over a bunch of topics on the matter and I swayed his decision. He told me to have the dispensary fax over the form and he'd fill it out and fax it back to them. All good right?


Called the dispensary and give them the update. They then inform me that they have NO fax machine and that I'd have to fucking bus out that way to drop it off in person. I've reminded them of my condition and how Id rather not fucking spend 3 hours of my day just getting there and back for fuck all. Staples was suggested............................I just fucking hung up, like WTF They are NOT accommodating to patients in my eyes. If you want to be taken seriously as a medical business in this industry get your shit together and get a fucking fax line. It's like $20/month. Now I have a sneaking suspicion that they wont let me get more than my daily amount at a time.(Dr said he'd sign for 3g/day)

If for whatever reason they try to tell me I cant get more than 3g per visit I'm going to have a full blown fucking meltdown and yell at the fuckers till they cry. When you get a prescription does the pharmacy only dispense your meds on a daily basis? They've demonstrated to not have a fucking clue as to what the ins and outs of the medical cannabis industry.

Sorry for the rant but I get fucking fumed at how many god damn hoops I have to jump through when Ive ALREADY been there before 3 times no issues and I am now expected to run across town on a whim . They brushed it off as if it was fuck all.
Settle in because I've got some shit to fling oooooooooohhhhh boy. SO I had been to this dispensary 3 times previously since my last post in this thread. Yesterday I drop in to pick up some meds and they pull me aside to revoke my membership saying my medical documentation isn't valid. Even after having been there 3 times, and despite NEVER having an issue with the letter of recommendation before over the last 2 years(Do no Harm Clinic)

They start going on about how i need to have a doctor prescribe a set amount per day ( My letter asks for exemption under the consideration of Section 53) My condition is clearly stated in plain type font right there(MS). I called the clinic and the do no harm clinic and their awesome receptionist took the time to talk to them. After her chat with this dispensary she tells me shes never had this happen EVER with their letters. Fair enough, I pry a little more into their reasoning, they tell me they modelled their business on the LP model, and go on about well Ottawa Is a conservative city blah blah. Basically they haven't a god damn clue as to how things work.

So I left very pissed off at the complete lack of logic and knowledge on their part, but mostly because it takes me 3 buses and 1hr 30 min ONE way to get there. Today i said fuck and booked myself for a last min Dr appointment with my GP in hopes to finally persuade him into prescribing Medical Cannabis to me finally. Long story short we had a debate over a bunch of topics on the matter and I swayed his decision. He told me to have the dispensary fax over the form and he'd fill it out and fax it back to them. All good right?


Called the dispensary and give them the update. They then inform me that they have NO fax machine and that I'd have to fucking bus out that way to drop it off in person. I've reminded them of my condition and how Id rather not fucking spend 3 hours of my day just getting there and back for fuck all. Staples was suggested............................I just fucking hung up, like WTF They are NOT accommodating to patients in my eyes. If you want to be taken seriously as a medical business in this industry get your shit together and get a fucking fax line. It's like $20/month. Now I have a sneaking suspicion that they wont let me get more than my daily amount at a time.(Dr said he'd sign for 3g/day)

If for whatever reason they try to tell me I cant get more than 3g per visit I'm going to have a full blown fucking meltdown and yell at the fuckers till they cry. When you get a prescription does the pharmacy only dispense your meds on a daily basis? They've demonstrated to not have a fucking clue as to what the ins and outs of the medical cannabis industry.

Sorry for the rant but I get fucking fumed at how many god damn hoops I have to jump through when Ive ALREADY been there before 3 times no issues and I am now expected to run across town on a whim . They brushed it off as if it was fuck all.

thats bulllshit. i have a bad temper,i would have never been allowed back there again. are there no other options as far as ccs/dispensaries in your area?

If they're trying to follow the LP model, they're not even close. Hopefully they don't cap you to 3g/day purchase..three hours worth of driving/bussing for three grams...i'd be losing it. Maybe take a copy of the MMPR regs if thats what they're trying to mimic so they can understand how the shit should work. you should be able to buy 90g per month.
sorry to hear about your run around....calyx.....daily pick ups???
they should be doing home deliveries then...
I'll admit, I'm assuming with how things have gone thus far that it would not surprise me if this was the case. Assumption based on the disorganized mess I've seen so far. Faxed the forms into my Dr this morning. Waiting for him to fax it back so i can drop them off in person. That's an awesome idea on trying to educate them. I found that info on HC FAQ section for the MMPR after you suggested this idea. IF they for some REALLY odd reason do try to limit to strictly 3g/day thereby forcing me to travel to and fro ever day I'll show it to them.

To be fair I'm on the fence about it's efficacy in swaying their decision IF that even needs to be done. The owners and staff appear to all range from early 20's to early 30's, so it could be a crap shoot on how receptive they are. I've already encountered one mild case of know it all from one bud tender. Thanks for all the kind responses, I honestly wasn't expecting any and just had to let off some steam. Your replies are much appreciated. I'll keep everyone up to date as this non sense progresses
tempers do not generally help [to put it mildly]

How about considering EDUCATING them???

agree ...show em how it" should work"
You would be right about the temper thing. I wasn't encouraging calyx to go in there and cause a scene. I was more implying that I'd be pissed.
if i was sick and put through the ringer for nowt.. i would not be happy either...
and its easy for me to encourage CC...but its a harder job for him to do it
sounds like he already did educate them

and the new "no old donoharm is not good" would put me back to square one too

drs are even less on board now