
Well-Known Member
Just trying to get opinions from you all about whats really going on here. All you have to do is google it. Now i know most things i read on the net are not credible, but its hard to deny the action of russia and china over the past two weeks. People who have done some digging on whats going on please do leave your opinions. Literally for simplistic research on this subject all that needs to be done is to google ww3 l. Its hard to deny whats been happening
Just trying to get opinions from you all about whats really going on here. All you have to do is google it. Now i know most things i read on the net are not credible, but its hard to deny the action of russia and china over the past two weeks. People who have done some digging on whats going on please do leave your opinions. Literally for simplistic research on this subject all that needs to be done is to google ww3 l. Its hard to deny whats been happening
citation needed
Russia and Britian? Listen bro I dont need that shit here. I said based on their actions what are your conclusions? It seems you and a couple others are fucking great at making someone eith an opinion that varies from yours feel anymore than a piece of fucking shit. Whats even better is that I dont even have an opionion here i asked based on their actions whats going on if anyone knew anything more. Proving more and more how fucking hostile even a nuetral stance gets treated around here. Neverminds someone that wavers in views values and opinions from you. You must be a Saint right? Fuck this. I have one simple question and dare to find out more when I knew better than posting anwhere near this part of the site without full endorsement of everything the "Leaders" over here say. Later
Russia and Britian? Listen bro I dont need that shit here. I said based on their actions what are your conclusions? It seems you and a couple others are fucking great at making someone eith an opinion that varies from yours feel anymore than a piece of fucking shit. Whats even better is that I dont even have an opionion here i asked based on their actions whats going on if anyone knew anything more. Proving more and more how fucking hostile even a nuetral stance gets treated around here. Neverminds someone that wavers in views values and opinions from you. You must be a Saint right? Fuck this. I have one simple question and dare to find out more when I knew better than posting anwhere near this part of the site without full endorsement of everything the "Leaders" over here say. Later

i have to respect you because you burned with srh88, so that puts you pretty high in my book.

but you are not helping yourself. you need thick, thick skin in here.
Russia and Britian? Listen bro I dont need that shit here. I said based on their actions what are your conclusions? It seems you and a couple others are fucking great at making someone eith an opinion that varies from yours feel anymore than a piece of fucking shit. Whats even better is that I dont even have an opionion here i asked based on their actions whats going on if anyone knew anything more. Proving more and more how fucking hostile even a nuetral stance gets treated around here. Neverminds someone that wavers in views values and opinions from you. You must be a Saint right? Fuck this. I have one simple question and dare to find out more when I knew better than posting anwhere near this part of the site without full endorsement of everything the "Leaders" over here say. Later
Chill out little dude. You have to appreciate that this place has a never ending line of TRUMP!tards tryin to push their bullshit agenda. I figured you were just one more.

To answer your question, the stories are bullshit from crappy Russian sources. They are manilpulating our dumbass voters.
i have to respect you because you burned with srh88, so that puts you pretty high in my book.

but you are not helping yourself. you need thick, thick skin in here.

You are right and I apologize for speaking in a manner way outside of my very laid back character. I dont chime in much either because there are many things I view similar to the way you guys do and you all always handle certain things to a point that my opinion on the matter is unneeded. Haha.
You are right and I apologize for speaking in a manner way outside of my very laid back character. I dont chime in much either because there are many things I view similar to the way you guys do and you all always handle certain things to a point that my opinion on the matter is unneeded. Haha.

no need to apologize, i look forward to seeing a friend of srh88 and what you have to post.
Chill out little dude. You have to appreciate that this place has a never ending line of TRUMP!tards tryin to push their bullshit agenda. I figured you were just one more.

To answer your question, the stories are bullshit from crappy Russian sources. They are manilpulating our dumbass voters.

I did see this. What my problem is, is a 13 year old little brother that looks up to me in a lot of ways. He has been reading and as a typical young teenager does is believing everything he reads. He continually calls me and texts me for my opinions about stuff like this. Id say hes borderline hypochondriac so stuff like this throws him into a panic attack. Im one of the only ones that could calm him about things like this. One of the ways i have helped to do it is claim exactly what you have in it being mostly foreign articles scaring people. I just really was looking for further opinions and views on the matter.
I did see this. What my problem is, is a 13 year old little brother that looks up to me in a lot of ways. He has been reading and as a typical young teenager does is believing everything he reads. He continually calls me and texts me for my opinions about stuff like this. Id say hes borderline hypochondriac so stuff like this throws him into a panic attack. Im one of the only ones that could calm him about things like this. One of the ways i have helped to do it is claim exactly what you have in it being mostly foreign articles scaring people. I just really was looking for further opinions and views on the matter.
Sorry i jumped on yer ass.

Things are cool. Russia is very good at manipulation - they practiced on their own so long. Now they figured they were going to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom when they helped TRUMP! get elected. The rhetoric will die on Nov 10.
I did see this. What my problem is, is a 13 year old little brother that looks up to me in a lot of ways. He has been reading and as a typical young teenager does is believing everything he reads. He continually calls me and texts me for my opinions about stuff like this. Id say hes borderline hypochondriac so stuff like this throws him into a panic attack. Im one of the only ones that could calm him about things like this. One of the ways i have helped to do it is claim exactly what you have in it being mostly foreign articles scaring people. I just really was looking for further opinions and views on the matter.
bro steer lil bul towards reliable scholarly or substantiated reporting or discourse. Explain to him the meaning and exercise of critical thinking.