WYE for 1000w air cooled hood and 400cfm exhaust


Active Member
i have a 400cfm exhaust and a 240cfm intake i have alot of negative pressure in the tent because of almost double the exhaust,

should i set a Y pipe up to suck air in from the tent and the other side sucking air from outside, will that balance the pressure. any thoughts are welcome and appreciated thanks


Well-Known Member
negative pressure is fine. If it bothers you just put a carbon filter on it if you haven't already. That will cut it back a bit. Or get a speed controller.


Well-Known Member
i have a 400 watt aircooler 6 inch hood in a tent with 4 inch holes in it. i have exactly half the cfm on each side as you. one side has a reducer for the 6 inch hood to the 4 inch hole and the other side has 4 inch ducting going to the 6 inch hole just clamped on. leaving 2 inches of gap on the top to help suck out the hot air in the top of the tent. cant say if it works or not but thats what i do. it was more or less the cheap way out (would of had to buy another reducer). gap is on the intake side


Active Member
passive intakes ARE not the easiest when im trying to block smell/light/bugs/lint/dog hair.......

i opened up another passive intake only 3 inch hole and couldent even feel a difference