Xiaomi TDS Meter on Which Scale?


Well-Known Member
I can't for the life of me determine which scale my Xiamo TDS meter is supposed to be calibrated to. Can anyone help?

What scale is this on? Hanna? Eutech? Truncheon?

Your question isnt right.
Hanna is not a scale. It's an instrument.
Ppm scale 500 or 700
North America we use 500 scale. Europe uses 700. I think it's Europe I duno.
I've never seen that pen before. You can't check their website? Or email the company?
This is why I like to buy quality product like bluelab or Hanna.
There’s the manual. No mention of calibration,period. Or scale. Guessing it’s “preset”
Lol nobody replied and I forgot about this but thanks for your follow up guys since I still didnt have an answer.

I will get some PPM calibration solution to solve this!