Xpg3 photophyll


Well-Known Member
I ordered 50 of these diode in the 2.5 bg ratio from the highest flux bin 2.6 ppf I think anyways I wanted to know if anyone has seen the effect of cree photophyll spectrum on marijuana yet? It's still relatively new but I think might be on to something, I bought these bare mcpcb from adura but they are difficult to reflow with my equipment so I'm going with mtn electronics mcpcb (4 up copper dtp mcpcb) so I can run higher wattage.


  • XLamp-XPG3-Photophyll.pdf
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I reflowed diodes to individual thermal substrates a long time ago.

Your last pic looks like it probably wont operate.. Good luck with your project
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I reflowed 2 of the 4 up copper dtp pcb with the photophyll diode got a lot of blue but not meant to be ran alone gotta add your reds which have diffrent voltages so separate channels are not 100% required but definitely the route I am going so I have total control over the spectrum