XXXXXX questions


Well-Known Member
if you take exstacy and eat a good amount of food first will it take alot of the effects away? im asking if its better to eat x on an empty stomach:peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont think this is a general marijuana growing question, but no dont eat before you take it. that stuff sucks anyway, and it puts holes in your brain


Well-Known Member
maybee u die a little but it is awesome and dont regret doing it but woulkdnt do it again


Well-Known Member
then can someone honestly point me in the TRUE,studyincluded, exstacy effects on human subjects, also the name of the study provider


Well-Known Member
Dude, E is usually strong enough for it to not matter weather you eat before hand or not. It will not affect the strength of the pill in anyway unless you ingest allot of acidic foods...than you will roll harder. But I GUARANTY you that you won't want to eat anything while you are rolling. So eating beforehand is always smart.
Well being someone who has done E, well first off its the best 2 hours of your life...EVERY TIME. But seriously dont fuck with it it drains your spinal fluid if you take a lot.

But to answer your question finally...well from experience i couldn't eat a lot when i sobered up, but taking it on an empty stomach may amplify the effect or make it last longer.


Active Member
be careful doin it on empty stomach that usually leads to puking depending on how strong of pills you get


Well-Known Member
I prefer something non-acidic to eat before the time... my stomach gets upset very easily by these little pills, and then I puke half of it out, if I don't.