i would say you should be in the 24-32 oz range... provided all goes well, you have full sun, and you dont have any issues. Be sure to clean away any, and i mean any leaves that are within splashing distance of the soil (prevents mold spores from splashing up and establishing on leaf surfaces of your plant). Don't be afraid to trim the bud sites away down there by the ground too, the plant will make up for it in the buds higher in the canopy. TRUST ME.
It's good practice to spray your plant with neem 1-2 times per week, even if you dont have any bugs around. get a pump sprayer (they're super cheap and available at any home store). get a shot glass or something and mix 5ml of neem oil with 2.5ml of dr. bronners peppermint soap (or any safe liquid dish soap) and make an emulsion with these two products. then pour into the pump sprayer and add 7.5L of water, shake it like crazy and set to a fine mist, and spray the plant down!!! it's called bug intervention, stop it before it get to a point of no control. It's also healthy for the plant as you increase the strength of the cuticle by providing that oily layer over the plants waxy layer (cuticle). if you follow only those two pieces of advice, you'll be very well off to a good finish. Oh yeah and stop spraying neem once your plant has formed little buds. i do not like to spray anything except aloe at this point to leave no residues.
Edit: sorry thought you said 3 plants. ok you should be in the 40-50 ish range if they are starting to flower already. I made another edit above too.