Yellow and black spots on Kushage clones, not on any other strains!! HELP


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Have found some yellow and black spot on a few kushage clones. The spot are not on the mother, but it has just started to get red stems. Please help. The spots have not appeared on any of our other strains



Active Member
best I could find online, never seen myself.:

The marijuana leaf can suffer from Black Dot disease, which is also known as Black Spot disease. Either way this disease is caused by Pseudomonas bacteria or can be caused by some fungus species, like Asterina, Asterinella, Asteroma and others.

The marijuana leaf struck with this disease will have black spots appear on the leaf and can have tones of yellow. This bacteria or fungus infection can cause distortion of the buds and cause the marijuana leaves to appear straggly. This is an infection that can affect the marijuana plant when conditions are warm and humid, which means it can occur on outdoor or indoor marijuana leaves.

One of the other contributors to this disease is environmental stress that can strike the cannabis plants. One way to possibly avoid this infection of the marijuana leaves and buds is to choose disease resistant seeds .


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

Have found some yellow and black spot on a few kushage clones. The spot are not on the mother, but it has just started to get red stems. Please help. The spots have not appeared on any of our other strains
What % of the plants leaves have this damage?.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the responses guys, but the moment i posted this thread my old friend came around and diagnosed them for me. It was black spot fungus, only on a couple leaves that must have been exposed to a little much moisture. Got rid of them and now haven't seen any since.


Well-Known Member
if those are clones and freshly rooted then what is happening in the pic you posted is completely normal, the plant is unable to absorb food when trying to root so it's eating the stored food from the leaves. Once it has established roots then it will start to grow normally


Two of my plants have this same disease, what did you do to cure it? There is jack shit online for the cure of Black Spot Disease... the only thing anyone says is "yup, you got black spot disease" like fucking useless retards... :/